

Canva tutorial playlist on YouTube

Subscribers: 209K

HTML YouTube Videos

The easiest way to play videos in HTML, is to use YouTube.

Converting videos to different formats can be difficult and time-consuming.

An easier solution is to let YouTube play the videos in your web page.

To play your video on a web page, do the following:

  • Upload the video to YouTube
  • Take a note of the video id
  • Define an element in your web page
  • Let the src attribute point to the video URL
  • Use the width and height attributes to specify the dimension of the player
  • Add any other parameters to the URL (see below)


YouTube Autoplay + Mute

You can let your video start playing automatically when a user visits the page, by adding autoplay=1 to the YouTube URL. However, automatically starting a video is annoying for your visitors!

Note: Chromium browsers do not allow autoplay in most cases. However, muted autoplay is always allowed.

Add mute=1 after autoplay=1 to let your video start playing automatically (but muted).

YouTube – Autoplay + Muted

Will Paterson

Subject: Logo design, hand lettering, Illustrator tutorials

Subscribers: 608K

Creator: Will Paterson

Are you looking for a YouTube channel that will help you improve your logo designs and entertain you at the same time? If so, Will Paterson is the channel for you. Whether you are a professional designer or a beginner, this channel has everything you need: from logo design and Illustrator tutorials to product reviews and vlogs; nothing is left out.

Arnau Ros

Subject: Web design (UI, UX), Freelancing, Figma tutorials

Subscribers: 7.7K

Creator: Arnau Ros

In about a year, Arnau Ros has managed to become one of our favorite YouTube channels. In a few words, Arnau is a very talented freelance product designer. He has published numerous videos on how to use Figma, one of the most popular problem-solving platforms for designers.

And that’s not all. Arnau has created a series of videos that will help you get started in the world of freelancing from scratch as a new designer.

Adobe Photoshop

Subject: Photoshop tutorials

Subscribers: 618K

Creator: Adobe

Although there are numerous YouTube channels that offer top-notch Photoshop tutorials, the official Adobe Photoshop channel should not be underestimated. Adobe has created a quick start guide for most Photoshop features, toolboxes, etc. So if you need to quickly complete a task in Photoshop, this is the perfect channel for you.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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