

Printable easy canvas and sip templates

A menu is a list of drinks or dishes that a restaurant or bar serves. It’s typically separated by categories, like appetizers, entrees, desserts, drinks and more. Menus include the name of the dish, its ingredients and its price.

Create your logo design with our free logo maker in few minutes

Free Logo Design is your one-stop solution to create a logo and build a brand you love to build the foundation of your company brand image: a top-quality logo. Grow your business on all channels with a credible and consistent brand. Display your logo on your website, use it on social media, and print it on promotional items. You can also create customized business cards directly from your logo. You will only need to print them and share them with everybody. A quality logo built on our Free Logo Generator is the first step towards success. Get rid of your old brand or create a new one with our tools.

A quality logo built on FreeLogoDesign.org is the first step towards success. Get rid of your old brand or create a new one for your business with our custom logo maker.

How to create a free logo with our logo creator

Enter your company name

Choose your business category

Browse through several logo templates and choose the one that best fits your brand

Customize your free logo with the easy-to-use Free Logo Design logo creator tool. Add text and icons, and change fonts, colors and shapes to create your unique free logo

Download and display your new brand on all your platforms

Why choose Free Logo Design for your business logo creation

User-friendly logo editor

Easily create professional logos with FreeLogoDesign. Drag and drop elements where you want them. Edit colors, titles and shapes to design the logo of your dreams.

Full of various templates

Don’t start from scratch. Choose your line of business from 35+ logo categories. Do you want to create your logo from nothing? Start with a blank template and let your creativity flow.

100% free to use

Design your logo as much as you want for free. You can choose from every template, icon, shape and font with no limitations. You will never be limited in the design of your logo.

Complete bank of icons

There are millions of icons available to customize your logo as much as you want. On the editor, click on Add an icon and start your search. Whether you are looking to create a logo for your restaurant or your music band, we are sure you will find the right icon to create a perfect logo.

Convenient premium add-ons

Need a profile picture and a banner for your Facebook page? That’s easy. The social media add-on creates versions of your logo so that it can be used on the most popular social networks, profile picture and banner included. To facilitate the use of your logo in any context, choose the Black and White add-on and get another useful version of your logo.

Business Card Maker

Create business cards directly from your logo with FreeLogoDesign’s business card maker. Create a professional logo, then choose our Business Card add-on. You will only have to enter your contact information and select one of our many templates to get a file ready to be sent to the printer.

A proven tool

Do like millions of users across the world and choose our free online logo maker tool for the creation of your custom logo. See why thousands of small businesses like yours trust Free Logo Design for their logo needs.

Menu Templates

Create your own menus quickly and easily by getting started with a stunning, pre-designed menu template. Browse our selection of templates below, choose one that fits your vision, then customize it to fit your brand and your food and drink options.

Coffee - Menu Template

Pizza - Menu Template

Wings and Beer - Menu Template

Asian - Menu Template

Elegant - Menu Template

Dessert Bar - Menu Template

Dessert and Sweets - Menu Template

Drinks - Menu Template

Features of the Menu Maker

Visme’s free menu maker online helps make the menu design process easy. With tons of available templates, photos and icons to represent your dishes, and popular fonts, you’ll have a beautifully designed menu to share with your customers in no time.

Beautiful menu templates

The free menu maker has lots of templates to choose from. Select a menu template that matches your particular style. Choose from fancy restaurant style, diner style, cocktail bar, and others. You can always choose another inside the editor later.

Beautiful menu templates

Seamless design experience

Use your Brand Kit to bring in your company fonts and colors, or choose from Visme’s selection of popular fonts and find the best colors to represent your food. It’s easy to make a food menu with the restaurant menu maker’s massive library of photos and icons.

Seamless design experience

Customize every aspect of your menu to share your specialty dishes

Create a new text box for each of your dishes so you can easily drag and drop the items around and fully customize your restaurant menu design. Create your own menus using a template, or start from scratch and customize the entire design to fit your tastes.

Customize every aspect of your menu to share your specialty dishes

More Great Features of the Menu Maker

  • Premade menu templates to jumpstart your design
  • Hundreds of thousands of icons and photos to choose from
  • Add in your own branded fonts and colors to make it your own
  • Easy drag-and-drop graphic design tools, made with the non-designer in mind
  • Create a one-sided or two-sided menu, or a vertical or horizontal menu
  • Quickly and easily download a PDF with bleed marks to print

Once you’ve completed your custom menu design online, it’s easy to share it with your audience. Simply download your menu as a PDF with bleed marks and print it off yourself. Be sure to print your menu on nice card paper so it’s durable while your guests decide what they want to eat.

Share Your Menu


Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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