

What colors bring out the vibrancy of purple?

Squeeze out some of each color onto your palette, and we’ll start mixing! I use a brush to mix my colors, but you can use a palette knife or whatever you’re comfortable with!

The Basics of Changing Your Hair Color

Thinking about changing your hair color? Here’s what you should know first.

The least damaging way to change your color is to move ALONG the color wheel instead of ACROSS the color wheel. Look to your color neighbors for a smooth transition!

Here’s a little clip to explain which colors you can consider for various tones of hair:

Going darker?

It will always be easier, and healthier for your strands, to go darker and deeper. For example, if you transition from Pastel Pink to Vibrant Purple, you won’t have to lighten or bleach your hair at all! Simply fade out the Pastel Pink a little, and a few washes later, layer on the Vibrant Purple. Expect your color to be tinted with the hue that’s underneath: for instance, Vibrant Purple applied over Pastel Pink would be a warmer purple than Vibrant Purple on neutral blonde hair.

If instead you want to go from Vibrant Purple to Pastel Pink, it will require a little more work. You begin by fading out the Vibrant Purple as best as you can, and once your strands are blonde again you’ll be able to use Pastel Pink. You can either use these tips on fading, you may still need to see a pro for a round of bleach to if you can’t wait or just to make sure you get that perfect pastel color.

Mixing Purple – The Basics

The foundation of color mixing is the three primary colors – red, yellow, and blue. By mixing these primary colors together in different combinations you can create all the colors of the rainbow. The colors that make purple are red + blue. If you have primary red and primary blue in your paint set, you’ll be able to mix purple! (But read on for my recommendations for how to make a more vibrant purple!)

My favorite colors for mixing vibrant purple

The only problem with using primary colors for color mixing is that the colors they produce end up looking a little dull and muddy. I personally use a different set of primary colors in my paint kit! After years of experimenting with different color combinations, I’ve finally come up with three that produce the most vibrant acrylic colors!

Turquoise Blue

I use Turquoise Blue instead of Primary Blue. It’s dark enough to create beautiful deep shades for cooler colors, without them verging on looking muddy. I also like Prussian Blue, and Cobalt Blue for creating even more variation in your purple tones.

We won’t use this for mixing purple, but I wanted to note it just in case. I stick with the basics when it comes to yellow. It is bright enough to create vibrant hues and mixed with the magenta and turquoise it produces great results.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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