
colorscolors purple

What combination of colors will produce purple?

So yellow color is the complementary color of Purple, and similarly, Red color is the complementary color of Green. Since Purple and yellow complement each other, they can be mixed in the desired proportion to obtain muted purple color.

What Color Do Purple and Brown Make When Mixed?

what color do purple and brown make

This article is for you if you’re curious about what happens when you mix purple and brown.

We’ll answer the question, what color do purple and brown make? But it’s not as simple as you might first think.

Color mixing can be straightforward when it comes to primary colors. But when you move on to secondary and tertiary colors, it gets a bit more complicated.

So, I’ll explain the color science behind mixing purple and brown. And you’ll learn what you can make with these two colors.

Understanding color mixing and its theory is crucial for any artist. So, let’s dive in and learn about mixing purple and brown together.

Table Of Contents

  1. The Color Purple
  2. The Color Brown
  3. What Color Do Brown and Purple Make?
    • Making Your Plum Color Lighter
    • Making Your Plum Color Darker
  4. Mixing Brown and Purple Light
    • Why Can’t You Make Brown Light?
  5. What Colors Make Purple and Brown? FAQ
    • Can You Make Purple Paint?
    • Can You Make Brown Paint?
  6. The Wrap Up

The Color Purple

brown and purple make what color

Purple is a beautiful color with shades ranging from pale lilac to dark aubergine. It’s also one of the most popular colors, ranking second or third worldwide according to one survey. According to color theory, purple is a secondary color. We can make the color purple by mixing two primary colors, red and blue. Another name for violet is true purple, as it has equal amounts of red and blue. So, it sits equally between red and blue on the color wheel. But every other shade of purple will have some color bias, either leaning towards red or blue. Purple has many meanings, from mystery and mysticism to sadness and grief. It can look fresh and whimsical or muted and serious depending on the shade. It was even the color of royalty in various cultures over time.

brown and purple make what color

Brown is a much more muted color, with only 2-3% of the population choosing it as their favorite color. In contrast, 20-27% of people voted it their least favorite color. But despite this, brown is still a crucial color. It is a common color in the natural world, from the soil beneath our feet to tree trunks and branches. And brown can play an essential role as a neutral color. It works well as a backdrop for brighter colors and when making a balanced color palette. However, you won’t find brown on the color wheel. That’s because it’s a composite color made by mixing different pigments together. As the color wheel is a tool for understanding color mixing, brown doesn’t appear on it. We consider brown a warm color and yellow, orange, and red. It has a variety of meanings, from safety and stability to boredom and loneliness.

What Color Do Brown and Purple Make?

do purple and brown go together

So, now you know about these colors, including where they are (or aren’t) on the color wheel. But what happens when you mix purple and brown together? When you mix brown and purple, you’ll normally create a deep, dark purple color. It’s often a plum shade that’s rich and warm. However, you could also make a brown shade. It depends on what colors of purple and brown you use and the undertones of each shade. That’s because purple is made by mixing blue and red. But brown is made by mixing all three primary colors together. So, when they mix, your purple color could also become brown.

Making Your Plum Color Lighter

If you want to lighten your paint mixture, you can add a little white to it. Go easy with it, as you don’t want your color to lose its saturation. That will make it look washed out and dull. Or, you could choose a very pale purple and mix it in. That will lighten your plum color and make it appear brighter and more vibrant.

Making Your Plum Color Darker

On the other hand, you might want to create a darker plum shade. In that case, you’ll need to choose a darker color to mix with it. Black is the obvious choice, but take care with it. When using black, it’s easy to add a bit too much. Then, the black paint will overwhelm it, and you’ll lose that nice plum shade.

2 Color Mixer Tool: Purple and Blue

As you are searching for the color that purple and blue can make, here is our color mixer tool for you to combine two colors with the default value is 50 percent each color:

The Color After Mixed Here.

Discover the blend of purple and blue! Click here to unveil the captivating color resulting from the mix of purple and blue. This advanced color mixer tool provides names, hex codes, and RGB codes for the mixed colors. Access the tool by clicking here: Color Blender Tool.

What Color Purple and Blue Make

Purple and Blue Color: Mixed Colors and Their Names Charts

What Color Do Purple and Blue Make When Mixed? When Purple mix with Blue, we will have Blue, Ultramarine, Ultramarine, Ultramarine, Ultramarine, Violet (color wheel), Violet (color wheel), Blue-violet, Veronica, because they are mixed with different amount of color so we could have our Purple and Blue palette chart as following:

Purple Hex Code Blue Hex Code Percentage Mixed Color Mixed Color Name Hex Code
#A020F0 #0000FF 10% / 90% Blue #1003fe
#A020F0 #0000FF 20% / 80% Ultramarine #2006fc
#A020F0 #0000FF 30% / 70% Ultramarine #300afb
#A020F0 #0000FF 40% / 60% Ultramarine #400df9
#A020F0 #0000FF 50% / 50% Ultramarine #5010f8
#A020F0 #0000FF 60% / 40% Violet (color wheel) #6013f6
#A020F0 #0000FF 70% / 30% Violet (color wheel) #7016f5
#A020F0 #0000FF 80% / 20% Blue-violet #801af3
#A020F0 #0000FF 90% / 10% Veronica #901df2

In the above chart, we explore the captivating combinations of purple and blue, represented by their respective hex codes and percentage ratios. Let’s delve into some key points about these mixed colors:

  • Blue (#1003fe): When purple and blue are combined in a ratio of 10% purple and 90% blue, a deep and soothing shade of blue emerges. This color captures the essence of tranquility and serenity, offering a sense of calmness and stability.
  • Ultramarine (#2006fc), Ultramarine (#300afb), Ultramarine (#400df9), and Ultramarine (#5010f8): As the ratio of purple to blue varies, different shades of Ultramarine arise. These hues embody the depth and richness of the ocean, evoking a sense of mystery and introspection. The varying ratios offer unique intensities, allowing for versatile expressions of color.
  • Violet (color wheel) (#6013f6) and Violet (color wheel) (#7016f5): With a shift in the ratio to 60% purple and 40% blue, vibrant hues of Violet (color wheel) take center stage. These colors strike a balance between the depth of purple and the coolness of blue, creating a captivating blend that inspires creativity and introspection.
  • Blue-violet (#801af3): As the ratio adjusts to 80% purple and 20% blue, the enchanting shade of Blue-violet emerges. This color represents the delicate interplay between the soothing nature of blue and the richness of purple, offering a balance of tranquility and vibrancy.
  • Veronica (#901df2): Finally, when purple dominates at 90% and blue subtly complements at 10%, we encounter the captivating hue of Veronica. This intriguing mixed color radiates a deep sense of mystery and elegance, captivating the beholder’s imagination.

If you are looking to mix purple and blue colors together, you can use the Color Blender tool to get the resulting color name. By simply adjusting the saturation and brightness of the two colors, you can achieve various shades of purple-blue.

What Color Do Blue and Purple Create As Combining Paint?

Blue, as some of you might know, is a primary color, while purple is a secondary color. These two colors combine to form blue-purple, also known as blue-violet, which is also considered a tertiary color. There are numerous blue-purple hues, including famous hues such as periwinkle, lavender, indigo, and violet, indigo. Nonetheless, blue-purple is the greatest idea for a 50/50 combination.

The Basic Knowledge of Tertiary Colors

Generally speaking, tertiary colors are formed when a primary color is combined with a secondary color that is adjacent to it on the color spectrum. The RYB (Red Yellow Blue) color wheel has six major tertiary colors, including yellow-green, blue-green, blue-purple, red-purple, red-orange, and yellow-orange. As you might expect, every color is a 50/50 blend of the two colors mentioned in its name.

Mixing red and orange can create a rich, earthy hue that’s perfect for fall. When you combine these two colors, you create a tertiary color known as “vermilion.” Vermilion has a warm and vibrant quality, making it a great choice for accent pieces or statement walls. To learn more about tertiary colors, check out our article on tertiary colors.

Various Kinds of Blue-Purple

Basically, there are numerous shades of blue-purple, a few far bluer than the others. Such various shades of blue-purple are made by combining more purple or blue, using various purple and blue, or simply adding black and white to the combination.

For instance, if you combine light purple and blue, you will get a periwinkle or lavender color. Navy blue combined with purple can produce a darker and deeper purple.

If you add more purple or blue, you may get plum, lilac, indigo, or mauve. These colors are all different shades of blue-purple, but their blends are not exactly even.

How to Lighten or Darken Blue-Purple

If you have a flawless combination of purple and blue, there are many things you can do to make it more distinctive. So, here are a few suggestions for lightening or darkening your blue-purple.

If you want to lighten or darken the color blue-purple, you may want to try mixing it with white or black. Adding small amounts of white can help lighten the shade of blue-purple, while adding small amounts of black can deepen the hue to make it darker. Experiment with different ratios until you achieve the desired color. Learn more about mixing colors at Hood MWR.

Lighter Color Combinations

Simply adding a bit of white to the color will end up making it lighter. However, this may take a lot of white to make a noticeable difference. However, using lighter purple or blue to start with might also result in a brighter tint.

Darker Color Combinations

Even though this combination is generally dark to start with, trying to add a touch of black could really make it darker. Just keep in mind that use black sparsely because it can rapidly overwhelm the other colors. In addition, adding darker shades, such as navy blue, might also change the color and end up making it less vibrant.

If you have dark skin, you might want to check out these 35 hair colors that complement your natural beauty. From vibrant reds to deep purples, there are plenty of bold options that will make you stand out.

Is there too much blue?

In case you choose to combine purple and blue, please remember that purple already contains blue as one of its elements. As such, if you really want a more even tint, you should probably add more purple rather than blue. By doing this way, the blue will not outclass the purple.

Analogous Color Combination

On the color wheel, purple and blue are adjacent, so they are regarded as analogous colors. Generally speaking, any three colors in line on the color wheel are often referred to as analogous, owing to their membership in the very same color family.

There are advantages and disadvantages to blending analogous colors. Because the colors are nearly equal to each other, they accompany one another and work well together. In reality, analogous colors are practically impossible to mix. The different way of looking at it, nevertheless, is also truly the case. When you combine analogous colors, you get almost no wide range of visual appeal.

How to Make Analogous Color Combinations More Interesting?

Since combining analogous colors could really be monotonous, it does not have to be dull. By varying the amounts of gray, white, and black, you can completely create an infinite number of tones, shades, and tints. So, combining purple and blue may result in a deep and rich tint that you could then experiment with to generate extra tints and shades.

If you’re looking to elevate your fashion game and create more dynamic outfits, check out this guide on how to match colors in your clothes with a color wheel. By using color theory, you can learn to create analogous color combinations that are more visually interesting. Plus, you’ll discover tips on how to mix and match different hues to create unique and sophisticated looks.

Is There a Meaning to Blue-Purple?

In general, blue-purple does not have a single specific meaning. Having said that, because it is a flawless combination of purple and blue, it contains some meanings from both colors. In particular, blue is associated with faith, safety, and devotion, whereas purple is associated with secrets, royalty, and creativeness.

Blue-purple could represent integrity, dedication, and freedom. It symbolizes solid bonds and beliefs, as well as hope and enthusiasm for the years ahead. A lot of people associate various shades of blue-purple with creativity, tranquility, and miracles.

A fantastical color like blue-purple is completely convinced to pique the interest of others. So, although it may not be as popular as blue or purple, it is still an excellent color to incorporate into your designs. You can choose which meaning you would like to express through your paintings.

Is it possible to create colors to make purple and blue?

If you don’t really have purple and purple paint available while painting, you can easily make them by combining other colors. However, because blue is a primary color, the combination is not as really clear. To get blue, you will need to use subtractive color blending with the CMYK color model that is mostly used for printing ink. Cyan and magenta, according to the color wheel, will result in blue.

Purple is far simpler to blend because it is a secondary color. Basically, it is made of half blue and half red. When you combine blue and purple, you will get purple with an additional blue added to the resulting color.

How to Obtain Cooler Purple Colors?

How to Obtain Cooler Purple Colors

If you are a painter or an artist, you must know the color of the color you use on your paintings or any form of art. So, the temperature is also a key point here to have a look at for you. If you mix blue with Purple, it will give you cooler purple color, and yes, it again depends on which blue color you are using. If you use dioxagine blue color with Bluish Violet color, it will further mix with Cobalt blue or Ultramarine Blue the cooler purple color of excellent shade will come into the picture.

How to Obtain Light Shades of Purple?

Sometimes you may need lighter shades of Purple and some additional highlighting to your painting or any art form. But how to get lighter shades is a question now. Do not worry, and we have an answer for this as well. When you get some dark color than expected, you mix some white color to make it lighter or dim, which is the technique every artist knows.

When you mix dioxazine Purple with white, you will get a somewhat darker purple color than when you mix Provence Violet Bluish color with white. It will depend on your choice of color that will make a big difference, and yes, it will also be a fantastic thing to know about the color combination to be used in your paintings.

White is not only one option for you here as color diversity will always be there with many options to make your day. You can also use Yellow instead of White to get light purple shades and, yes, with options in yellow.

You will have Cadmium Yellow and Lemon-Yellow colors to lighten your purple color by mixing them with it, respectively. Still, lemon yellow will lighten it more than Cadmium Yellow to choose as per your requirement and need.

How to Obtain Warm Purple Color?

How to Obtain Warm Purple Color

The cooler purple color we are known to now. We will check for the warm purple color, and how to get it is relatively easy. When you mix purple with Cadmium Red, it will give you the desired warm purple color to give an exciting hold to your paintings and art. Some other red options are available, like Alizarin Crimson, which will be more relaxed than the Cadmium Red.

Now you have complete knowledge about the purple color that you can make it, how you can use it and of course as per your needs and requirements as you can make it darker for your paintings and art and lighter too.

Temperature-dependent color options you also have like cooler purple color and warm purple color. Earth muted color option you have as well as proportional mixing knowledge you have too. Different colors and complementary color options you have mastered now.

Do not wait. Just put all this knowledge in your painting or any art form and shine like a fantastic artist. No one can beat you in color combination now, specifically for Purple. Don’t you think so? I am sure that you will rock. Let us do it!

Happy Painting and Purpling!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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