
colorscolors primary

What two primary colors combine to make red?

Color has been present in art history since ancient times, even used by prehistoric artists in cave drawings. Colors evoke emotions and influence our mood, making them a vital aspect of our lives.

The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color: When you mix red and blue, you get purple. When you mix red and yellow, you get orange. When you mix blue and yellow, you get green. Write a program that prompts the user to enter the names of two primary colors, one at a time. If the user enters anything other than “red,” “blue,” or “yellow,” the program should print “You didn’t input two primary colors.” Otherwise, it should print a message in the following format: “When you mix red and blue, you get purple.” (Assuming the user entered “red” and “blue”.) Look carefully at the following sample runs of the program. In particular, notice the wording of the messages and the placement of spaces, colons, and punctuation. Your program’s output must match this. Sample Run (User input shown in bold) Enter primary color: red‹ Enter primary color:blued When you mix red and blue, you get purple

The provided Python script prompts users for primary colors, identifies secondary colors through valid combinations, and outputs the resulting mix while managing input errors to match the prescribed format.

Certainly, here’s a Python program that prompts the user to enter two primary colors and then determines the corresponding secondary color that is obtained by mixing those two primary colors. The program also handles cases where the user’s input is not a valid primary color:

# Primary colors and their corresponding secondary colors

(“red”, “yellow”): “orange”,

(“blue”, “yellow”): “green”

# Prompt user to enter primary colors

color1 = input(“Enter primary color: “)

color2 = input(“Enter primary color: “)

# Check if entered colors are primary colors

# Sort the colors to make sure the lookup in the dictionary works correctly

sorted_colors = tuple(sorted([color1, color2]))

# Check if the color combination is in the dictionary

if sorted_colors in color_combinations:

print(“Invalid combination of primary colors.”)

print(“You didn’t input two primary colors.”)

This program uses a dictionary `color_combinations` to store the mapping of primary color combinations to their corresponding secondary colors. It prompts the user for two primary colors and then checks if the input is valid. If valid primary colors are entered and they form a valid combination, it prints the appropriate message. Otherwise, it prints an error message based on the input.

The program ensures that the output matches the provided format and handles various input scenarios. It’s an interactive and user-friendly way to demonstrate color mixing and secondary color formation.

For more such information on:Python

The question probable may be:

The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color: When you mix red and blue, you get purple. When you mix red and yellow, you get orange. When you mix blue and yellow, you get green. If the user enters anything other than “red,” “blue,” or “yellow,” the program should print “You didn’t input two primary colors.” Otherwise, it should print a message in the following format: “When you mix red and blue, you get purple.” (Assuming the user entered “red” and “blue”.) Look carefully at the following sample runs of the program. In particular, notice the wording of the messages and the placement of spaces, colons, and punctuation. Your program’s output must match this. Sample Run (User input shown in bold) Enter primary color: red‹ Enter primary color:blued When you mix red and blue, you get purple .

Write a python program that prompts the user to enter the names of two primary colors, one at a time and includes the given information.

Primary Colors

The three primary colors of pigments are red, yellow, and blue. It’s important to note that primary colors cannot be produced by mixing any other colors.

From the three primary colors, you can mix all the colors of the spectrum. In theory, mixing them in equal proportions produces black.

The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue—commonly known as RGB. When it comes to printing, the primary colors are cyan, yellow, magenta, and black (CMYK).

color wheel with primary secondary tertiary colors

Interaction of Light and Color

The colors present in nature are a result of different wavelengths of light that either reflect or are absorbed by our environment. In darkness, all objects appear colorless.

When reflected rays of light enter the eye, they stimulate the retina. These stimuli are then processed by the brain, which compares them to past experiences to identify colors.

When light rays collide with an opaque object, the surface absorbs some rays and reflects the rest. We percieve the reflected as the color of the object. For example, a red object absorbs blue and green light, reflecting red.

On the other hand, a white surface reflects the entire color spectrum, while black absorbs all rays. This interplay of absorption and reflection determines the colors we see in our surroundings.

Sir Isaac Newton’s Color Theory

The creation of the first color wheel is attributed to Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), an English mathematician and philosopher.

In 1666, Newton made a groundbreaking discovery. By allowing the sun’s rays to pass through a triangular glass prism, he observed a separation into the colors of the rainbow, which he termed the spectrum. Newton successfully demonstrated the conversion of these colors back into white light using a second prism.

The spectrum consists of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Newton’s color theory was published in 1704 as part of his treatise, “Opticks.”

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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