
colorscolors mix

Which two colors mix together to create blue

In this article, you will learn:

Adding Colours (Colors) Together like Paint (Blue + Yellow = Green, etc)

I want to add blue and yellow to make green. To over complicate things, let’s say that the Blue object is bigger than the Yellow object (for the sake of argument let’s say that the ratio is 2:1), I’m adding twice as much blue as yellow – how to I calculate this new (light green) colour correctly. I understand LAB * Color Space is useful for this sort of ‘natural colour’ kind of thing, but I’m not sure how to use it – especially in the context of a cocos2d object which (AFAIK) is limited to using RGB in its colour schemes. I’d really appreciate practical help on how to implement this. Thanks heaps! 21/4 Update: So in LAB* blue+yellow ≠ green (which makes sense when you see they’re at opposite ends of the same channel). It’s actually quite a tricky problem with a little bit of discussion on SO. It seems that the ultimate answer is to use the Kubelka-Munk method that a piece of open source software called Krita uses. I can’t find that anywhere (either the formula or the code itself). This question has a link which uses HSL to work in a similar method to paint. I’m going to try to see if it works, and I’ll feed back the result here. In the meantime if anyone knows how to implement Kubelka-Munk or where I can find code to do this, or another solution, I would be very, very stoked!

1 1 1 silver badge
asked Apr 13, 2012 at 11:17
glenstorey glenstorey
5,134 5 5 gold badges 40 40 silver badges 71 71 bronze badges

Blue + Yellow is never Green , though you learn that in preschool. What this actually is referring to is a simple substractive colour model such as CMYK, where 1 – Cyan – Yellow ≈ Green (with Cyan ≈ Blue ).

Apr 13, 2012 at 11:23

6 Answers 6

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There is no color model where mixing blue and yellow makes green. Try it yourself with gouache, the only way it works is cyan and yellow. This is why you should try switching from RGB to CMYK, and back if you need. Here is how it’s done

void toCMYK(float red, float green, float blue, float* cmyk) < float k = MIN(255-red,MIN(255-green,255-blue)); float c = 255*(255-red-k)/(255-k); float m = 255*(255-green-k)/(255-k); float y = 255*(255-blue-k)/(255-k); cmyk[0] = c; cmyk[1] = m; cmyk[2] = y; cmyk[3] = k; >void toRGB(float c, float m, float y, float k, float *rgb) < rgb[0] = -((c * (255-k)) / 255 + k - 255); rgb[1] = -((m * (255-k)) / 255 + k - 255); rgb[2] = -((y * (255-k)) / 255 + k - 255); >

And then in your code, mix the cyan and yellow

float cmyk1[4]; toCMYK(255, 255, 0, cmyk1); // yellow float cmyk2[4]; toCMYK(0, 255, 255, cmyk2); // cyan // Mixing colors is as simple as adding float cmykMix[] = < cmyk1[0] + cmyk2[0], cmyk1[1] + cmyk2[1], cmyk1[2] + cmyk2[2], cmyk1[3] + cmyk2[3] >; float rgb[3]; toRGB(cmykMix[0], cmykMix[1], cmykMix[2], cmykMix[3], rgb); NSLog(@"RGB mix = (%f, %f, %f)", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); 

Running the code will yield: RGB mix = (0.000000, 255.000000, 0.000000)

answered Apr 13, 2012 at 14:33
mprivat mprivat
21.6k 5 5 gold badges 54 54 silver badges 64 64 bronze badges

Thanks heaps for your answer, especially for the code. I think that this will work for yellow plus blue – but I don’t know if it’ll work for other colour arithmetic. I’ve been doing some research on this, and answers like this one: stackoverflow.com/a/398268/459116 make it look like LAB is the best way to go.

Apr 14, 2012 at 21:26

I’ve done it with yellow and blue model paints, where the blue was a deep blue that was not “greenish”–definitely not “cyan”, and the result was definitely green. Such a thing wouldn’t happen with printing dyes, but can easily happen with paints and can sometimes happen with dyes as well. (see my answer for more info)

Jun 11, 2012 at 22:30

Check the formulas on this site: http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH I’ve been doing similar thing, and it can be achieved by converting RGB->XYZ->Lab. However the computation is quite expensive(if you doing it for a lot of pixels).

And forget about RGB math when trying to mix colors if you want to obtain results similar to human eye

answered Apr 13, 2012 at 11:47
Michał Zygar Michał Zygar
4,052 1 1 gold badge 23 23 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges

So objectA, objectB are coloured with RGB – convert the RGB to XYZ then to LAB, add the two colours together, then convert them back to XYZ and RGB again?

Apr 13, 2012 at 23:37

Yes exactly, as I wrote it requires a lot of computation(I analyzed whole image pixel by pixel) but gives decent results

Apr 16, 2012 at 7:16

When you add the two colors together in the LAB space. How is that done correctly? Just L1*0.5 + L2*0.5, A1*0.5 + A2*0.5 and B1*0.5 + B2*0.5?

Oct 13, 2013 at 22:42

I think, it is worth to try HSL color space. When adding colors we interpolate their Hue values (even taking in account objects weights). If the colors are 100% saturated, Luminance and Saturation values will be equal.

answered Apr 13, 2012 at 13:22
brigadir brigadir
6,872 6 6 gold badges 46 46 silver badges 81 81 bronze badges

Dyes don’t work in the real world quite like subtractive-color models suggests. The dyes used for CYMK printing are pretty close, since they’re formulated for that purpose, but many dyes made from naturally-occurring substances can behave somewhat oddly. The difficulty is that while white light is perceived as a combination of red, green, and blue, it actually consists of many different wavelengths–literally “all the colors of the rainbow”–each of which will stimulate the red, green, and blue receptors in the eye by different amounts. It is possible for two colors which appear identical to in fact contain different combinations of wavelengths; likewise, two dyes may appear identical when viewed in white light, but absorb different combinations of wavelengths. Such dyes may look identical to each other when used alone, but may yield very different-seeming results when combined with something else.

Although dyes can sometimes be tricky, however, paints are even worse. Paints contain reflective particles, and some of the light which hits a painted surface will be reflected back off the surface by the first particle it hits; in that regard, they mix like additive colors. For example, if the paint contains 20% green particles, then a significant amount of green light will be reflected, regardless of what other colors it might contain. On the other hand, some of the light which hits a painted surface will bounce around and hit multiple particles. If any of those particles absorbs a photon of some color, that photon won’t be reflected. In that regard, paints behave more like subtractive colors. In practice, paints behave somewhat like additive colors, somewhat like subtractive colors, and sometimes like something weird and wacky and totally unlike either.

answered Jun 11, 2012 at 22:28
supercat supercat
78.2k 9 9 gold badges 169 169 silver badges 211 211 bronze badges

If you look at the HSL colour space wheel, you can see that the “mixed” colours are between the two primaries. You could use this to your advantage by having your “Add” method really be a sort of “mix” method with something like this pseudocode example:

function int GetMixedHue(int firstHue, int secondHue, int firstWeight, int secondWeight) < int hueDiff = absolute(firstHue - secondHue); int proportionHue = hueDiff / (firstWeight + secondWeight); proportionHue = proportionHue * firstWeight; if (firstHue

It might need some tweaking, and I've obviously not tested it. But the basics are there. I'm a little unsure about the weighting method but I hope this gives you a good starting point.

HSL Color Wheel

Bear in mind that this is just one way of doing it, there are other methods this is just the one I would choose.


I ended up writing this out myself in C# and ended up with the following method. I decided to not use absolute values as this actually makes it easier to work the proportion calculations.

public HSLColor MixColors(HSLColor colourA, HSLColor colourB, int proportionA, int proportionB) < //This is important so that colours mix correctly.So that Red + Blue = Magenta, not Green. int AHue = colourA.Hue; int BHue = colourB.Hue; if (colourA.Hue == 0 && colourB.Hue >180) < AHue = 360; >else if (colourB.Hue == 0 && colourA.Hue > 180) < BHue = 360; >//Get the total difference between all three aspects of the colours int hueDiff = BHue - AHue; double satDiff = colourB.Saturation - colourA.Saturation; double lumDiff = colourB.Luminance - colourA.Luminance; HSLColor newColour; //Scale the amount of each difference proportional to the ratio. hueDiff = hueDiff / (proportionA + proportionB) * proportionA; satDiff = satDiff/ (proportionA + proportionB) * proportionA; lumDiff = lumDiff / (proportionA + proportionB) * proportionA; newColour = colourA.AddHue(hueDiff).AddSaturation(satDiff).AddLuminance(lumDiff); return newColour; > 

What Colors Do Blue and Orange Make?

When it comes to color mixing, blue and orange are two colors that can create a beautiful and dynamic combination. But what color do blue and orange make when they are mixed together, and how can you use this color combination in your artwork or design projects?

First, let's take a closer look at the colors that make up blue and orange. Blue is a primary color, which means it cannot be created by mixing other colors.

Orange, on the other hand, is a secondary color that is created by mixing the primary colors red and yellow. Therefore, the colors that make up blue and orange are blue and a combination of red and yellow, respectively.

When you mix blue and orange together, you get a beautiful color called burnt sienna. Burnt sienna is a warm, reddish-brown color that can be used in a variety of art and design projects. The exact shade of burnt sienna can vary depending on the amounts of blue and orange used in the mixture.

burnt sienna

Burnt Sienna

Blue and orange are complementary colors, which means they are opposite each other on the color wheel. This makes them a popular choice for color combinations in art and design. When used together, blue and orange create a striking contrast that can add visual interest and impact to any project.

blue orange color mixing

For example, you could use blue as the dominant color in a painting or design, and then add pops of burnt sienna to create contrast and visual interest. Alternatively, you could use burnt sienna as the dominant color and use blue as an accent color to create a bold and striking effect.

When using blue and burnt sienna in your artwork or design projects, it's important to consider the mood and atmosphere you want to create. Blue is often associated with calmness and serenity, while burnt sienna is associated with warmth and energy.

By using different shades and amounts of blue and burnt sienna, you can create a range of moods and atmospheres in your project.

In addition, it's important to think about the balance of your color scheme. Too much of either color can be overwhelming, so it's important to use them in moderation.

A good rule of thumb is to use one color as the dominant color and the other as an accent color, as mentioned earlier.

How to Mix Blue and Orange?

Mixing blue and orange produces the warm, reddish-brown color of burnt sienna. This color can be used in a variety of ways across different fields such as graphic design, painting, and photography. Here are some examples of how to mix burnt sienna in these fields:

  • Graphic Design: In graphic design, burnt sienna can be mixed by adjusting the hue, saturation, and brightness of blue and orange. This can be done using software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. You can also use premixed burnt sienna color swatches in your design software to ensure consistency across your project.
  • Painting: When it comes to painting, you can mix burnt sienna by using a combination of blue and orange paint. It's important to experiment with the ratio of blue and orange to achieve the desired shade of burnt sienna. You can also mix burnt sienna with other colors to create unique color schemes.
  • Photography: In photography, burnt sienna can be achieved by manipulating the color temperature and saturation of blue and orange in post-processing software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop. You can also use filters or gels to adjust the color temperature of your lighting to achieve a warmer, reddish-brown tone.

It's important to remember that the exact shade of burnt sienna can vary depending on the amounts of blue and orange used in the mixture. So, it's a good idea to experiment with different ratios of blue and orange to find the perfect shade for your project.

How to Mix Blue and Orange

Is Mixing Blue and Orange a Good Color Combination?

As we know, the answer of what color does blue and orange make is burnt sienna. But is burnt sienna a good color? The answer is subjective and depends on the context in which it is used.

Burnt sienna is a warm, reddish-brown color that can be used in a variety of art and design projects. Its warm and earthy tones can create a sense of stability, comfort, and groundedness, making it a popular choice in interior design and fashion.

Burnt sienna can also be used to create a vintage or antique look in artwork or design projects.

However, the use of burnt sienna can also be limited in some contexts. Due to its warm and earthy tones, burnt sienna may not be appropriate for projects that require a cooler or more modern color palette.

Additionally, the exact shade of burnt sienna can vary depending on the amounts of blue and orange used in the mixture, which can make it difficult to achieve consistent color across a project.

Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether mixing blue and orange is a good color combination. The creator needs to adapt and test the mixture according to the specific situation.

For example, a darker shade of blue mixed with a lighter shade of orange can create a different effect than a lighter shade of blue mixed with a darker shade of orange.

But testing colors frequently can be a tiresome operation, especially when you need to switch between different editing software.

Luckily, there is a tool that can help you optimize your color choices and streamline your workflow. TourBox is a powerful design tool that allows you to easily adjust color settings, including hue, saturation, and brightness, with just a few clicks.

With TourBox, you can quickly test and fine-tune the combination of blue and orange to find the perfect balance for your project.

TourBox NEO
Empower Your Creativity

Still struggling with the question of what colors do blue and orange make. Why not pick up your TourBox and start experimenting with colors?

With the TourBox, you can fine-tune the combination of blue and orange to find the perfect balance for your project. So go ahead and create something truly special with the dynamic combination of blue and orange!

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  • What Colors Make Blue? – Exploring the Wonderful World of Blue

    Blue is both a dominant color and one of the three primary colors. Blue is very popular with painters and is seen on the palette more often than any other color. It will therefore benefit you to know how to make blue in different shades and equip yourself with the knowledge to blend colors, and of course what colors make blue.

    Table of Contents

    • 1 The Psychology of the Color Blue
    • 2 So, What Colors Make Blue?
      • 2.1 What Colors Make Light Blue?
      • 2.2 What Color Do Blue and Green Make?
      • 2.3 What Colors Make Cyan Paint?
      • 2.4 How to Make Different Dark Blue Hues?
      • 2.5 Creating Muted Shades of Blue
      • 2.6 How to Create Warm Shades of Blue
      • 2.7 How to Create Turquoise Blue Colors
      • 3.1 Making Dark Blue Color by Adding Black Paint
      • 3.2 Making Dark Blue Color by Adding Complementary Paint Colors
      • 3.3 Making Dark Blue Color by Adding Analogous Paint Colors
      • 4.1 Cobalt Blue
      • 4.2 Royal Blue
      • 4.3 Navy Blue
      • 7.1 Which Color Can Be Combined With Brilliant Blue to Create Dark Sea Blue?
      • 7.2 When Combining Ocean Blue and Dark Forest Green, What Color Will You Create?
      • 7.3 What Colors Make Light Blue?
      • 7.4 Can You Create Green Color Without Using Any Blue Color?
      • 7.5 What Color Will I Create When Blending Ice Blue and Black?
      • 7.6 How to Make Blue Paint, Can I Use Orange?
      • 7.7 What Colors Make Dark Blue Paint, Must I Add Black or Combine Other Colors?

      The Psychology of the Color Blue

      All the rainbow colors are stunning, but thanks to the gorgeous rich tones of the color blue, it catches your eye. The color creates feelings of calmness, peace, and tranquility. That being said, blue can also cause you to feel icy cold, and heighten your alertness. All human beings are drawn to the color blue in some way or other, whether it is staring into the pool of fresh sparkling water, or daydreaming about the blue sky.

      What feelings does the color blue evoke in you? Research has shown that certain colors can prompt a range of different emotions and moods. Blue is known to create feelings of serenity and calm, possibly stemming from the bright blue sky and cool waters found in the natural world.

      The research around the color blue has found that the color can change your physiology. Not only does blue make us feel calm, but it physically decreases your body’s stress response, including lowering your temperature and calming your heart rate. Research has shown that while blue is considered a popular color it is also thought of as the least appealing and enticing color. This is the reason that it is highly recommended when you are trying to lose weight to eat from a blue plate, as it only is found in nature in the form of plums and berries. We all do our best to avoid any foods that may be poisonous, and food that has blue coloring is a telltale sign of poisonous or spoilt food.

      Blue has been found to encourage productivity so many offices paint their spaces blue. Additionally, blue is known for its calming impact which can be directly linked to peacefulness, tranquility, serenity, and orderliness.

      The color blue is also seen as a symbol of stability and reliability which means a lot of corporations use blue in their advertising campaigns and marketing. At the same time, the color blue can also evoke feelings of sadness, which is seen in the works of Picasso during his ‘blue period’ that evoke feelings of loneliness and sadness. Blue as a color is considered benign. These melancholy feelings that we associate with blue show themselves in a few common phrases in the English language, where the misery of a Monday is called a ‘blue Monday’ and when we are feeling low we tend to say that we have ‘the blues.’

      So, What Colors Make Blue?

      There are a variety of tints, hues, and shades of blue, such as warm blues, dark blue, muted blues, and light blues, just to name a few. With so much variety, it can be difficult to know where to start with mixing your own blue paint. According to traditional color theory, blue is one of the primary shades, meaning it cannot be made by combining other shades. However, this is not strictly true. There are new ways of understanding color, and there are some color combinations that you can use to make blue from scratch. You can also easily adjust any shade of blue to find your ideal shade.

      What two colors make blue when mixed? Magenta (purplish-red) and cyan (greenish-blue) can be mixed to achieve true blue. Once you have made true blue you can create an assortment of different shades of blue which can be used to paint the sky or the ocean.

      You will be able to make colors such as turquoise, aquamarine, or cobalt blue easily. This can be done by looking at certain characteristics found in the colors on the color wheel, and subsequently creating shades of blue.

      Here are some of the most popular shades of blue and some technical information for how to make them.

    Colin Wynn
    the authorColin Wynn

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