

Spring paint party decor ideas

118th Power of Paint Party… Spring Bottle

I’ve got a great giveaway to burlapfabric.com going on this week. You can enter here.

Last week I had an idea. You know… one of those crazy ideas that you think just might work. Here was my thought process… I wonder if you could hot glue a design on a glass bottle… spray paint it… then peel off the hot glue to reveal the design… kinda like etching.

Well it didn’t work exactly as I hoped…

Writing “Spring” with hot glue was easy enough.

Spray painting it all… piece of cake!

Trying to peel off the hot glue… not like I envisioned! It seems like the thicker areas came off easier… but nothing was crisp and clean like I was hoping for.

Any paint projects not go as you planned recently?

So what have you been painting?

Power of Paint Party Rules:

#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects. I HATE deleting!

#2… I’d love if you put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. (not a requirement but always appreciated)

#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.

116th Power of Paint Party. Green Welcome Paint Lovers… Do you guys all have Spring Fever? I know I’ve got the…

46th Power of Paint Party Welcome Paint Lovers. The only paint project I’ve finished this last week is my Turkey…

217th Power of Paint Party Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… a party all about paint…

Party Project Menu

Join us for a special celebration for your 3 or 4 year old! Our Tinker Time party is a perfect mix of open ended art, sensory play, and creating in community. Upon arrival, we have your stations all set up for you to enjoy open-ended art & play time throughout your party. Children and their grown ups will move freely around the studio painting a giant cardboard cake, coloring a custom birthday banner, playing in our themed sensory tables and themed sensory trays, and visiting an animal paint-and-wash station. All party-goers will also have the opportunity to create a collage using glue and a buffet of mixed media materials on an 8”x10” stretched canvas to bring home!

The Birthday Party parents may choose from our menu of options for the sensory tables, sensory trays, and animal paint-and-wash station. Please click here to view the menu.

This is our only party option for 3 year olds. We love this party and have developed it specifically for our youngest tinkerers! Remember, we ask that a grown up attends with each child who is excited to support them in their art-making.





BDAY_Unicorn_Island.jpg BDAY_Dinoland.jpg BDAY_Cat%27s_Playground.jpg PXL_20230211_193705699.PORTRAIT.jpg

Small Worlds

Create a miniature world of your very own! Choose from four themes — Fairy Garden, Cat’s Playground, Unicorn Island, or Dinoland — then join us in the studio and get ready for an unforgettable party! Homemade playdough in custom colors, a buffet of exciting accessories, and even a special figurine for continued imaginative play accompany each theme. Party-goers will enjoy limitless possibilities in constructing their small world, ready to take home and enjoy for lots more play!

Upon arrival, guests will be greeted with sensory play tables (ages 7 & under) or a painting station (ages 8 & up), a custom birthday banner to decorate for the birthday-kid, and a giant cardboard cake to paint before we dive into making our Small Worlds. Ages 4-12*

*Children under 5 should be accompanied by an adult ready to support them in their art-making.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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