

Different hues of purple color codes

The complementary color of a color is the opposite of it on the color wheel (chromatic circle)


Historically, it has been highly valued because of its burdensome production. Until the 18th century, purple could only be made using natural dyes (sea snail spittle). It was one of the most denoted colors and became associated with wealth, power, and royalty.

Purple is still seen as a bit of an odd color, but it has never lost its flair. Famous politicians, like Tony Blair, wear purple ties to demonstrate that they are not the left (red) or the right (blue) but a balanced mix for everyone.

Type Value
HEX #800080
RGB 128, 0, 128
CMYK 0, 1, 0, 0.5

Application in design

Despite being rare in nature, purple is actively used in luxurious fashion and art. In 2018 it was even selected the color of the year.

Unlike a warning red — mysterious purple invites your mind to wander in the present moment. Many brands are using it to express their ‘mindful’ approach to customers.

Design with purple when it comes to rich offers, promises, and hope.

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HTML color codes for purple – hexadecimal + RGB

Discover all HTML codes for the color purple – hexadecimal, rgb, hsl, hsv, and cmyk, as well as different combinations, schemes, temperatures, hues, and types of purple color.


códigos del color purple


This scheme is based on the color purple and is composed of different hues, tones, and shades, both dark and light.

format code
hex #a349a4
rgb rgb(163,73,164)
hsl hsl(300,39%,47%)
cmyk cmyk(1, 56, 0, 36)
hsv hsv(300, 56%, 65%)

What is the purple color in RGB format?

The purple color in RGB format is composed of (163 in the red channel), (73 in the green channel), and (164 in the blue channel).

What is the purple color in CMYK format?

It is composed of (1%) cyan, (56%) magenta, (0%) yellow, and (36%) black / key.

What is the composition of the purple color in HSL?

It is composed of (300°) hue, (39%) saturation, and (47%) lightness.

What is the purple color in HSV format?

The purple color in HSV format is composed of (300°) hue, (56%) saturation, and (65%) value.

Analogous scheme of the color purple

Analogous colors are obtained from the two closest colors within the color wheel.


The triadic scheme is obtained from 3 colors equally spaced from each other within the color wheel


This color scheme is obtained by using two pairs of opposing colors on the color wheel in a rectangular shape.


This color scheme is obtained by using two pairs of opposing colors on the color wheel in a rectangular shape.


Tints are obtained from the base color purple up to reaching white, finding in between shades of pastel colors.


These shades are obtained from the base color purple up to reaching black.


You can now validate the contrast relationship of the color purple, whether using it as a background color or as a text color.

Change the text color.
Contrast ratio: 5.19

Contrast ratio test of the color purple as a background

Change the background color
Contrast ratio: 3.01

Contrast ratio test of the color purple as text.

Here are examples of code to use the purple on your web page. Remember that you can implement the color in HTML using color codes such as hexadecimal, RGB, or HSL, and also directly with the color name written in English (as long as it is natively supported by HTML).

Background color purple in HTML – CSS.

To set the background color, you can use inline styles or apply them in a CSS stylesheet

div style="background:#a349a4;"> Color purple as the background of a div.div>
/* Color purple as the background of the body tag with CSS. */
background: #a349a4;

To set the text color purple in HTML – CSS.

To set the text color, you can use inline styles or apply them in a CSS stylesheet.

p style="color:#a349a4;"> Color purple as the text color.p>
color:#a349a4 ;

Shades and Variations of Classic Purple

Classic Purple Color Swatch Sample

Whether you’re a professional graphic designer or an amateur artist, finding the right color is essential for pulling off your graphic artwork. Though most of the time it can be easy to select the color that you desire, it’s not uncommon that you run into a situation where you need more complex and specific swatches for your task.

A perfect example of this is the color of classic purple. This beautiful color is a popular choice for many clients and artists alike, but even with this being the case it is a complex color to create in any graphic system, and you could end up creating one of the many other types of purple if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Luckily for you, you don’t have to go it alone. You can easily create the classic purple color using the classic purple color code specific to the type of program you’re running, and this article talks about the specific code that you need as well as the colors that make up this brilliant color. Keep reading this article to find out more!

The Classic Purple Color Code: The HEX Code

The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Thankfully, the HEX value for classic purple is simple; the code you need to input is #BB29BB.

The RGB Values and Percentages for Classic Purple

Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for classic purple.

In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the classic purple color percentage is comprised of classic purple in the RGB system is (187,41,187).

The CMYK Values and Percentages for Classic Purple

Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Furthermore, the CMYK values for classic purple are (36,89,0,0) almost parallel to the actual percentages.

The Color Experts You Can Count On

Now that you know what values make up the classic purple color code, you can be sure that you’ll get the right swatch every time. However, if you ever need help with any other color palette, you can be sure we can help you to get what you need.

At colorcodes.io, we are the experts in finding precise code numbers for any color that you’re looking for – and we do mean any color. This includes both the primary color (blue, red, and yellow swatches) and the secondary color (orange, purple, and green swatches) spectrums for HEX, RGB, CMYK, and PMS color codes.

Ready to get started? Simply check out our site to begin learning more. We’re sure we have every color code for all of your needs!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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