

Can you protect acrylic paint with resin?

Yes, you can use a clear resin as a sealant to protect acrylic paint on resin. Applying a clear resin over the top of the paint can help to prevent the paint from fading or chipping over time.

Applying resin to an acrylic painting

This question comes from Louise: For my exam piece I am looking to paint a canvas with acrylic paint and apply resin over the top for a clear glossy/glass look finish. I am so confused – do I need to apply an acrylic varnish over the top of the painting before the resin? If so, do I need to apply an isolation coat first? I read somewhere that I don’t need an isolation coat OR acrylic varnish – just pour it on thicker – is this right? Please,please, please could you advise me on what the process would be and what materials I would need? I would appreciate it more than you could ever imagine! Many, many thanks,

April 27, 2017 at 4:48 pm #8625

Hi Louise, It has been my experience that if the paint is fully dry, you can pour a coating of clear resin without needing any kind of ‘barrier’ in between. I’m going to ask a few other resin artists to weigh in with their comments as well. As for the resin to use, the Resin Obsession artwork resin works great. It mixes crystal clear and will dome beautifully over your piece. We have a couple of sizes available here: https://shop.resinobsession.com/collections/resin/resin-obsession-artwork-resin This resin calculator with help you determine how much resin you need to mix to cover your acrylic painting: https://www.resinobsession.com/resin-calculator/ Your resin will level out to between 1/8″ and 1/16″. One coat is usually enough, but if it isn’t, applying a second coat is an option. This video on our youtube channel also shows how to apply resin to a painting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUS7PB1QFmk

April 27, 2017 at 5:25 pm #8629

Katherine is correct. Once your painting is completely dry, you can pour a layer of resin over it for a beautiful finish. Try to make sure that the area you plan to work in is free of dust and particles as much as possible. You don’t want them settling in your resin. Protect the surface of the table your plan to use with wax paper, an old shower curtain or plastic sheeting so that you don’t get resin on your table. The painting will require several hours to cure depending on which resin you use. Make sure that your painting can stay in the same place for several hours. It is difficult to move a freshly resined painting. Make sure that your painting is level and raised up so it’s not sitting on the surface of your work area. You can use plastic cups to elevate the painting. You will also need a torch or heat gun to pop the air bubbles once your resin has been poured. If you don’t have either of those tools, you can try a hair dryer on low heat. Use a popsicle stick to scrape off the drips that will for on the underside of your canvas. Once you are finished, find a clean box that is large enough to go over your painting without touching it. This will help keep dust particles or pet hair out of your resin as it cures.

Can You Use Acrylic Paint in Resin?

Acrylic paint can be used in resin projects, but it is important to consider the potential issues that may arise due to the water content in the paint. The water in the paint can interfere with the curing process of the resin, leading to incomplete curing or a less durable finished piece.

Here are some steps to follow when using acrylic paint in resin:

  1. Choose a small amount of acrylic paint and apply multiple thin coats to minimize the impact of the water content on the resin curing process.
  2. Experiment with different application methods, such as using a dotting tool or Posca pen, or applying multiple thick coats to create a more durable finish.
  3. Keep in mind that acrylic paint may not adhere well to the surface of the resin, so it may be necessary to use a clear resin or spray sealant to protect the paint on the finished piece.

While it is possible to use acrylic paint in resin projects, it is important to take the potential issues into consideration and take steps to minimize them in order to achieve the best results.

Alternative Coloring Methods for Resin

Alternative coloring methods for resin include Mika powders and alcohol inks. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for your project will depend on your personal preferences and desired result.

Mika Powders

  1. Obtain Mika powders from a craft or art supply store.
  2. Mix the Mika powder into the resin. It is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually add more until the desired color is achieved.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure that the color is evenly distributed.
  4. Pour the colored resin into the mold and let it cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Note: Mika powders are more expensive than other coloring options, and it may take some experimentation to achieve the desired color.

Alcohol Inks

  1. Obtain alcohol inks from a craft or art supply store.
  2. Mix the alcohol ink into the resin. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until the desired color is achieved.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure that the color is evenly distributed.
  4. Pour the colored resin into the mold and let it cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Note: Alcohol inks can be more expensive than other coloring options, and they may not be as long-lasting as other options, such as Mika powders.

Both Mika powders and alcohol inks are effective options for coloring resin, and the choice between the two depends on your personal preferences and the desired outcome for your project.

Tips for Applying Acrylic Paint to Resin

If you choose to use acrylic paint in your resin project, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help you achieve the best results:

Use a Sealant to Protect the Paint

A clear resin or spray sealant can help to protect the acrylic paint on your finished piece. This can help to prevent the paint from fading or chipping over time.

Apply Multiple Thick Coats

To ensure that the paint adheres well to the resin, it may be necessary to apply multiple thick coats. This can help to create a more durable finish and improve the overall appearance of the piece.

Experiment With Different Application Methods

Acrylic paint may not adhere well to the smooth surface of the resin. To achieve the desired effect, you may need to experiment with different application methods, such as using a dotting tool or Posca pen, to apply the paint.

Use a Dry Brush Technique

To add texture to your resin project, you can try using a dry brush technique with your acrylic paint. Simply dip a dry paintbrush into the paint and lightly brush it over the surface of the resin. This can create a textured, distressed look.

Overall, it is important to keep in mind that using acrylic paint in resin projects can be a bit challenging due to the water content in the paint.

By using a small amount of paint and applying multiple thin or thick coats, and by using a sealant to protect the paint and experimenting with different application methods, you can achieve the best results and create beautiful resin projects with vibrant, long-lasting colors.

Resin for Acrylic Paintings: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re an acrylic painter looking to add some extra depth and shine to your paintings, resin may be just the thing you need. Resin is a clear, glossy substance that can be applied to acrylic paintings to give them a high-gloss, glass-like finish. It’s a popular choice among artists who want to create a professional-looking piece that really stands out.

One of the great things about resin is that it’s incredibly versatile. You can use it to create a variety of effects, from a subtle sheen to a high-gloss finish that really pops. Resin can also be mixed with other materials, such as pigments or glitter, to create unique effects and textures. And because it’s self-leveling, it’s easy to get a smooth, even finish every time. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, resin is a great way to add some extra dimension to your acrylic paintings.

What is Resin for Acrylic Paintings?


Resin for acrylic paintings is a clear, glossy substance that is applied on top of a finished acrylic painting to protect it and give it a professional, high-gloss finish. It is a two-part mixture of resin and hardener that, when combined, creates a chemical reaction and hardens into a durable, clear coating that looks like glass.


Resin for acrylic paintings is used to protect the painting from dust, dirt, and moisture. It also enhances the colors and texture of the painting, giving it a vibrant, glossy finish. Additionally, resin can be used to create a three-dimensional effect by pouring it onto the painting and allowing it to harden.

Types of Resin for Acrylic Paintings

There are two main types of resin used for acrylic paintings: epoxy resin and polyester resin. Epoxy resin is the most commonly used resin for acrylic paintings as it is easy to use and dries clear. It is also more durable and resistant to yellowing over time than polyester resin.

Polyester resin, on the other hand, is less expensive than epoxy resin but is not as durable and can yellow over time. Also, polyester resin usually has a shorter working time than epoxy resin and tends to stink really badly.

When choosing a resin for your acrylic painting, it is important to consider the type of painting you have created and the level of protection and finish you desire. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when working with resin.

Personally, I only use epoxy resin for my acrylic paintings.

Preparing for Resin Application

Before applying resin to your acrylic painting, it is important to properly prepare the surface. This will ensure that the resin adheres well and creates a smooth, glossy finish. Here are some steps to follow:

Choosing the Right Surface

It is essential to choose a surface that is compatible with resin. Wood, plastic, and metal surfaces are all suitable for resin application. However, it is important to note that some plastics may not be compatible with certain types of resin. Therefore, it is recommended to test a small area before applying resin to the entire surface.

Preparing the Surface

To prepare the surface, clean it thoroughly with a mild soap and water solution, specially if you have used silicone oil in your acrylic pour painting. Rinse it with clean water and let it dry completely.

You can also use baby wipes to clean the surface of your paintings.

Once your paintings are dry, add several coats of Modpodge or several coats of acrylic spray varnish to the surface to seal the paint and cover any remaining silicone oil traces left on the surface. This step will prevent your epoxy resin from getting fish eyes.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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