

Clear coat for acrylic paint on canvas

Make sure to follow all my tips and recommended products to ensure your acrylic painted project turns out great! Also, don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting!

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Saturday, September 8, 2018

can I use Rust-Oleum clear coat on my artwork

I’ve been wondering about that myself for a long time and decided to try it. Why not? After all it is 3x cheaper than other sealers of the same size used in art. I found a can of Rust-Oleum 2X clear Satin spray paint in my studio so I decided to give it a try.

Rust-Oleum Painter’s touch 2X Satin Clear

I chose more than one acrylic painting for the experiment. I knew I could retouch them if it didn’t work out since the sealer is a water base product.

After spraying a few paintings with this stuff, I decided to stop. The first one went on fairly easily as I sprayed very thin layers but I noticed the painting became cloudy after my last cover. I figured it needed to dry for a few hours so I set it aside and sprayed my second painting.

The spray didn’t come out even and there was more of it in spots so I decided to just leave one coat on it and let it dry. The paint has a very strong lingering odor so I had to let the paintings sit in my garage for a few days to air out before taking it inside to scrutinize them.

This spray paint is toxic so whether you use it for other purposes, do it outside or in a garage with the door(s) open. I also wear a painters’ respirator to keep the mist out of my lungs.

After a few days,I was able to take the paintings indoors and compare them to my other paintings I’ve sealed using acrylic sealers for artwork. Most of my acrylic paintings are either on canvas boards or hardboard panels I made for painting. In comparing the Rust-Oleum clear coat, the other paintings looked much clearer and brighter. The colors with the Rust-Oleum seemed to be faded and have a cloudy look to them.

In conclusion: Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch, 2X, Clear is not a good choice regardless of price. It does not go on or dry crystal clear as do other acrylic sealers made for acrylic paintings so I can not recommend using it on your artwork. Spend the extra money for a good acrylic sealer, yu won’t be disappointed.

How To Seal Acrylic Paint With Clear Nail Polish

You can use clear nail polish, much like any other paint-on sealant. First, make sure you allow your painting to dry completely! You wouldn’t want to smudge it accidentally.

Acrylic paint is permanent after drying, giving it a harder plastic texture. Because of this, you won’t need to use very much nail polish to seal it.

Shake your nail polish bottle well, then lightly paint over your acrylic. You don’t want to use too much nail polish, so make sure to keep the layer very thin! Once that first layer dries, you may want to paint on another layer of nail polish.

However, you shouldn’t need more than one or two layers of clear nail polish to create a strong seal. Keep in mind that clear nail polish can start to turn yellow as time passes.

What Can You Use To Seal Acrylic Paint?

If you don’t have nail polish or want a longer-lasting seal, it’s good to try other sealants. Clear varnishes and enamel sprays are popular options since they work on many art mediums. If you have Mod Podge at home already, that also works!

Acrylic finishes or varnishes are going to be your best option! Companies make acrylic finishes with acrylic mediums in mind, making them perfect for your acrylic paintings. You’re sure to get the best results with them.

I highly recommend using Mod Podge to seal your artwork. It’s one of the best sealers on the market, next to Krylon Sprays. Both of these brands are highly reputable, and offer a variety of finishes such as matte, glossy, satin and even glitter!

There are plenty of clear materials that work great for sealing acrylic paint. As long as you allow the painting more than 24 hours to dry before varnishing it, you should have no issues giving it a good finish.

Finally, you’ll also need to give the seal ample time to try. The longer you can wait before touching the painting, the better! The first coat takes about four hours to dry, with the following layers taking even longer.

Does Hairspray Seal Acrylic Paint?

You shouldn’t use hairspray to try sealing acrylic paints. The chemicals in hairspray can cause acrylic paints to become runny and goopy- ruining the painting!

If you find a hairspray that doesn’t melt acrylic, it still won’t make your painting waterproof. Hairspray also won’t offer very much protection for your work. You should choose professional sealants since they’re going to be permanent.

Overall, you don’t want to use hairspray to seal acrylic paint. It won’t last, won’t offer your work protection from dust and shine, and could even liquefy the color.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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