

Easy tutorial on drawing a ladybug

Making your ladybug outline is really easy. Simply trace over the pencil lines you want to keep with a black pen or marker.

How to Draw a Ladybug for Kids

How to Draw a Ladybug for KidsHow to Draw a Ladybug Step by Step

Hello everybody! Our team has prepared a simple tutorial on how to draw a ladybug for kids step by step. We try to make the lessons simple and understandable for all of our readers. Therefore, the ladybug drawing tutorial is perfect for all artists of all skill levels. The ladybug drawing consists mainly of rounded shapes and simple lines.

The ladybug belongs to the beetle family and is one of the brightest and most memorable representatives of the genus. The body is round and convex, the base color may differ, but there are always black spots on top. Follow all the recommendations that are presented in the step-by-step instructions, and you will definitely be able to draw an insect.

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Ladybug for Kids

How to Draw a Ladybug Step 1

    Draw the head of a ladybug. Draw the small oval with small indentations on the sides.

Draw the eyes and mouth. The eyes are round. Draw small black pupils inside. Draw a semicircular smile under the eyes.

Draw the antennae. On the ladybug’s head, draw 2 small antennae that have rounded edges.

Draw the body. The body of a ladybug looks like a large circle.

Draw the elytra. Draw a line in the middle of the body to separate the two parts of the elytra.

Draw spots. Draw some round spots on the back of the ladybug.

Draw the legs. The legs of the insect are in the form of small lines with ovals at the end.

Color the drawing. Paint the head, legs, and spots on the elytra in a dark color and the rest of the spot in red.

Congratulations on the successful completion of the lesson on creating a drawing of a ladybug! You have just learned how to draw a bright and cute insect that is sure to please everyone. We hope that this lesson has inspired you for further creativity, and you will use our tips to create new interesting drawings!

How to Draw a Ladybug Step by Step

Breaking things down into simple shapes and forms is the best way to learn how to draw a ladybug or anything else. It gets you started quickly and helps get a quick layout and proportions down. And it’s a great way to get yourself to put those first few marks on the paper. No more blank page syndrome!

Step 1: Basic Shapes


Learning how to draw a ladybug with shapes is the easiest approach. Begin by sketching out an oval for the body and a smaller circle for the head. Be sure the size and location looks right for your finished drawing.

Step 2: Rough Sketch

Let’s start adding some details by lightly sketching out the wings. Start with one of the wings. And then draw a mirror image of the other wing so your ladybug is symmetrical.

This ladybug will have wings that are slightly open. You could draw them closed as well. Next sketch out the shape of the body where it’s visible between the wings.

And then draw the head and antennae. Make them whatever shape you think looks good. You can add a little thickness to the area where the antennae connect to the head. This will help them look more natural.

Step 3: Draw Details


Now we need to add in any extra details and clean the drawing up a bit. Add some spots on the wings. And tighten up your drawing wherever needed.

You can erase the extra pencil lines if you need to before moving onto the next step.

Ladybug Outline


Making your ladybug outline is really easy. Simply trace over the pencil lines you want to keep with a black pen or marker.

You can make your lines thin, thick, or a variation of line weights. Using a brush pen is a great way to get some nice variation in line weight. Do whatever looks and feels right to you. Using a color other than black is an option as well. When you’re finished making your ladybug outline, use an eraser to clean up your drawing and remove any pencil lines.

How to Draw a ladybug with Markers

Adding color to your ladybug drawing is easy and fun. In this tutorial markers were used. But colored pencils or another medium would work too. Here’s how to add color with markers… First, if you want to be able to blend your colors together you need to use alcohol based markers. Bic, Sharpie, and Copic for example. As well as many others. Second, you need to work while the colors are still wet or they won’t mix together. This isn’t a big deal. Just make sure you work on a section at a time. Third, you need to use colors that are similar to each other if you want to create a smooth transition of color. If your markers are too different they will leave a harder edge. Then choose your colors and start filling in the different areas of your drawing. Make your ladybug whatever color you want. If you’re using red, try using two or three different markers to avoid flat areas of color. It’s a really easy way to add some depth to your artwork and make it more interesting. Avoid using solid black for the parts that are actually black. Try using some grays or maybe blue. Have fun and experiment a bit. How-to-Draw-a-Ladybug-with-Markers

A white Gelly Roll pen can be used to add some highlights to your finished ladybug drawing.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

Now that you know how to draw a ladybug step by step, what’s the next step? Since art and drawing are skills you can learn and improve, you’ll want to practice as consistently as possible. This doesn’t mean you have to spend all your free time creating art. But you should try to make it a part of your daily routines. The more you practice the better you will get. Try challenging yourself to do a series of ladybug drawings this week. Click on the link below to help get yourself started. Grab your FREE Guide to Better Art in 7 Days

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Roshanda is an art education blogger who is on a mission to coach and encourage as many aspiring artists as possible through the use of her blog. Learn more about her on the About Me page and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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