

You inspire me in drawing

For instance, if you are hugely inspired by the Harry Potter books, then perhaps you can draw witches and wizards practicing their magic.

5 Remarkably Easy Ways to Find Inspiration to Draw

It’s an artist’s worst nightmare: you can’t find inspiration to draw.

Sometimes it’s due to a stress. Other times, it’s due to a lack of inspiring ideas or motivation to create anything new.

Whatever the case may be, it’s a struggle that every artist must overcome. Elsewise, you might be stuck in a creative rut for a while.

That’s why, in this post, I’m sharing with you 5 remarkably easy ways to find inspiration to draw so that you’ll always have a wealth of drawing ideas to choose from. All you have to do is:

  1. Download or create your own list of exciting drawing prompts
  2. Get into the habit of regularly drawing from life
  3. Participate in different art challenges
  4. Find inspiration in the types of media that appeal to you
  5. Explore another art style that is out of your comfort zone

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be able to implement 5 effective strategies that are sure to revive your create juices.

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Table of Contents

100 Drawing Prompts List

Art block and lack of inspiration are 2 things that effect all artists from time to time. When they occur, you end up scrambling to figure out how to get inspired to start drawing again.

Since you know you’ll likely have to face them at some time or another, it’s smart to have a list of things to draw in order to have ideas to work with even when you aren’t feeling inspired.

The solution is to create a drawing prompts list with tons of ideas. Then, when you are stuck and unable to come up with new ideas, all you have to do is consult your list to find inspiration to draw.

Luckily for you, I can save you time and effort by giving you my free 100 Drawing Prompts List. I’ve personally used this list whenever I lack inspiration to draw, so I know it can help you out, too.

I recommend this list because it was designed with various prompts including drawing inspiration from nature, environments, characters, animals, fantasy creatures, and more!

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the drawing prompts:

1. Eccentric scientist
2. Enthusiastic sidekick
3. Femme fatale
4. Loveable nerd
5. Rebellious vigilante
6. Sci-fi robot
7. Valiant hero/ine
8. Wicked villain
9. Rocky mountains
10. Rolling hills
11. Sandy beach
12. Scorching desert
13. Slippery caves
14. Tropical island
15. Urban landscape
16. Volcanic crater

With a comprehensive list of drawing prompts already created for you, all you have to do is pick an idea that stands out to you and voilà! You can start creating art once again.

So if you would like the full list of fun and exciting drawing ideas, make sure you grab your free copy!

Draw from Life

Figure Drawing

If you’re not sure what to draw, then perhaps you should focus your time and energy on studying your craft.

For example, you could draw from observation in order to improve artistic skills relating to light and shadow, form, and composition. A great way of doing this is to do figure drawing.

Just make sure you have the fundamental drawing art supplies that al artists should have, and you’ll be ready to draw and sketch to your heart’s desire.

What’s more, you could invest in an affordable drawing book such as Andrew Loomis’ renowned Figure Drawing art book, which provides ample instruction and anatomical illustrations to help you hone your skills.

[amalinkspro type=”image-link” asin=”0857680986″ new-window=”true” apilink=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/0857680986?tag=mirandabalo05-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1″ img-size=”375,500″ addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” alt=”Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth” alignment=”aligncenter”]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51kB+JjuMAL._SL500_.jpg[/amalinkspro]

Or you can check out these websites which provide online figure drawing resources for you to reference from the comfort of your home:

Life Drawing

Alternatively, you can find drawing inspiration in nature.

To do this, you can find time to create art outside by visiting your local park or hanging out in your backyard.

If you’re able to, explore a botanical garden or a natural history museum to find some amazing visual inspiration.

If you’re on a walk outside, you can use your phone or camera to take pictures of natural elements that inspire you. Create a collection of reference photos that include any of the following:

  • Flowers, forests gardens, grass, leaves, trees, shrubs
  • Lakes, ponds, rivers, mountains, rocks, sand, snow

When you get home, you can choose any of the reference photos to study. Look at the shapes and forms. Study the way the colours work harmoniously.

You’re bound to find inspiration to draw from at least some of the pictures you take.

Related: Want to learn how to draw subject matter from nature? Then check out these easy sketching tutorials for beginner artists.

Don’t know what to draw? Looking for drawing inspiration? Then click here to get a list of creative drawing ideas to help you create easy sketches and interesting drawings. You’ll also learn how to find inspiration to draw so that you’ll never run out of drawing ideas! #drawinginspiration #whattodraw #artdrawingideas

#43 – What inspires your ideas?

Openmindedness for competitions

Our first winner is generous_seagull of Lyons Hall School, who used clear examples to support their points and gave a very interesting insight into their creative process – well done!

Our second winner is involved_grapefruit of Birchwood Primary School, who wrote a thoughtful description of how important inspiration is to them, and gave specific evidence of where they find it. Well done to you too!

This week, Tamara Rojo, Artistic Director of English National Ballet, was asked by loyal_peach about where she gets her ideas for her dances.

Tamara said that “ideas come from many different places. literally everything can be an inspiration“. She wrote about conversations, visits, and studying history, to name a few forms of inspiration. You can read Tamara’s full response here.

So this week, we’re asking you:

What inspires your ideas for art?

This is your chance to share advice with the rest of the BNC about what helps you come up with new ideas for art. Share your practical tips for getting inspired, and tell us how and why they inspire you.

We’ll be looking for helpful and well-explained advice!

The deadline for entries is Friday July 10th at 10.30am. Good luck!

Example: “I find inspiration for art by/through. this helps me because.

Comments (15)

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I find inspiration for art through what I enjoy. If I love manga, I’m inspired to create my own. If I love the BNC, I’m inspired to make my own. (This is abstract art and is explained in a post).

This helps me because life is short. And people want to accomplish their goals before they die. It also helps me because it’s a passion.

I agree, everything and anything can be inspirational, just in different ways.

03 Jul 2020

I find inspiration for art through many things. I see myself as a real bookworm, so reading and learning new words assists my ideas. Many artists inspire me as I love drawing or painting, and that makes me want to achieve my dreams of becoming an architectural engineer. My friends and family inspire me because they give me crazy yet amazing ideas for when my mind is sometimes blank. I find solace in art.

This helps me because it makes me, well. feel like me!

03 Jul 2020

If I have inspiration for art , it would be to enjoy it. I love going to new places and take pictures for memories and I also draw a mini picture of them . Art can he expressed in many ways of your own. It doesn’t have to be specific. Let your imagination flow and never stop ! If it’s your dream then do it! Dancers also do artistic dances which takes time and strength .Art can be anything ! Not just drawing and painting . It can be also drama, dancing and singing! So follow your dreams and never give up!

04 Jul 2020

I find inspiration for art through book illustrations and looking at nature. For example, 2 months ago i was inspired by a local forest, this gave me inspiration to draw a vision looking though some leaves at a fox. Recently, i also got inspired by the book ‘the girl of ink and stars’ and this time i tried something different, when the girl described someone, i would draw them in my own style.

This helps me because its my passion to draw and inspiration is key to me, because i need the boost to get me going and to create something beautiful out of it.

I find that the best art comes from your heart.

04 Jul 2020

I find inspiration through soooo many things. E.g I might get inspired to paint a picture of an animal if I go to the zoo.
I read a LOT, which gives me lots of inspiration.
So, I get my inspiration from lots of places.

05 Jul 2020

I get my inspiration for my art from my day-to-day lifestyle to the books that I read. Sometimes i may even look at other artists art to get inspiration! I love to do art so therefore I do have quite a bit of inspiration but sometimes you do run out so it is good to check out other people art instead!

06 Jul 2020

I’m inspired by books like hopeful city since I read a lot! The image just floats into my head. And mostly by some other pieces of art.The thing that inspires me most is music I just love how it can be different in so many ways depending on who makes that piece. Music it is like its own type of magic it just blows me somehow it’s amazing in its own way like everything and everyone.

Thanks for reading,

06 Jul 2020

I get inspired by books because if I read a book about a girl that lives in a farm for example, and something exciting happens I think it’s a great idea so I want to make my own book. I also get inspired by paintings because when I see them I think about how talented people are to do this and also know that if I try hard enough then I will be able to be that talented. I also think that paintings can give me ideas to make stories, for example a painting of a bunny, my story could include a bunny, then I see gold background in the picture, the bunny could be rare, then I get ideas to write a story and make it up as I go.

07 Jul 2020

My ideas are inspired by my current mood and the things around me – this includes objects, people, my atmosphere, and previous knowledge. It is sometimes inspired by things that have happened in the past and other times based on other inspirational pieces of work, like music, artwork, dance, acting, literature, and more. Sometimes, the idea just randomly pops into my head.

Art eases my problems and pulls me into an imaginary world where everything is peaceful. Whatever it is, I always try to look at the emotion and story behind it. I like art; I’m glad it exists.

07 Jul 2020

My inspiration for my posts!!
I honestly don’t really know! Everyday I go on Burnet news and read all the new posts and I guess that my inspiration comes to me and then I am like that could be interesting I better start making a post about it otherwise I am going to forget about it! And I try to do my best to describe it so it is not just e.g. Let’s make a movement about art! And then I wait for it to get approved and likely it won’t so what I do is make it more interesting rather then it being boring and I read it back to make sure my post will make a good discussion and then when I feel it would be good for posting I will post it!
My inspiration for comments!!
Well when I read the posts I don’t always comment on it but this is my inspiration for them anyways so I read the post and I think to myself what Questions do I have for the person who made this post? What I make sure my comments have in them!
-they are on the same topic as the post is!
-they aren’t like cool post dude or something because that comment probably won’t be posted!
-not to make them so long and boring!
After I wrote down as much as I can I read it to make sure it has everything in the list and then when I feel that is it ok to post I post it!
Sorry if this post doesn’t make a lot of sense and good luck!! Also thank you for reading this comment!
By loyal_lobster❤️

08 Jul 2020

My inspiration for the arts is others. When you truly enjoy art, and when you can feel as though the thing you are doing suits you, then you are making art. When you see a painting, someone else might see a scribble, but don’t follow what they say, follow yourself. When someone draws a picture, you find inspiration through them to create your own. People can vary, those who look at something, but stand at bay well away from harm, or those who look at something, and feel a sudden urge to touch it; to examine it. Others may inspire you, but what you create is truly your own. Inspiration is found by inspiration itself, and the arts itself can inspire you. You can look at others, and think: “Oh, I really want to be like them!” This may be true, but you are most like yourself. You design your own art, (maybe entwined by bits of others’, but still your art) and let it inspire you. The foundation for the arts lies in all of us, but when we see it through others, then only we realise what it is. The atmosphere across the world may be moody, but don’t let it dampen your hope, or spirits. You don’t have to feel like the people around you, because you’re, you. Don’t live in how other people think, live in how you want to be. The world is not defined to fit for every single one of us, we were designed to fit in for the world.
Inspirations usually can come from you, others, your hobbies, or your emotions.
We are all linked, but are different. We may like different things, but we all have the humane emotions. We might feel sad; neglected; happy; vengeful; lonely; cheerful; pitying or trust. Or maybe it switches between them, to unprecedented to stay on one thing.
You might enjoy reading, so you might want to write your own novel, you may enjoy cooking, so therefore you might be inspired to make your own meal. The truth is that we all have different passions, but they all lead up to the same thing– Inspiration. Whether it is through others or yourself, everyone will find their own, and it might have mild changes, but will always be yours.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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