

What hue is Santa’s sleigh?

Decimal 8221286 Binary 01111101, 01110010, 01100110 Hexadecimal #7d7266 LRV ≈ 17.4% Closest short hex #876 ΔE = 3.518 RGB rgb(125, 114, 102) RGBA rgba(125, 114, 102, 1.0) rg chromaticity r: 0.367, g: 0.334, b: 0.299 RYB red: 48.268%, yellow: 49.020%, blue: 40.000% Android / android.graphics.Color -8555930 / 0xff7d7266 HSL hsl(31, 10%, 45%) HSLA hsla(31, 10%, 45%, 1.0) HSV / HSB hue: 31° (31.304), saturation: 18% (0.184), value: 49% (0.490) HSP hue: 31.304, saturation: 18.400%, perceived brightness: 45.542% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 54.615, S: 20.767, L: 48.703 Cubehelix H: 27.761, S: 0.132, L: 0.455 TSL T: 2.671, S: 0.045, L: 0.455 CMYK cyan: 0% (0.000), magenta: 9% (0.088), yellow: 18% (0.184), key: 51% (0.510) CMY cyan: 51% (0.510), magenta: 55% (0.553), yellow: 60% (0.600) XYZ X: 16.873, Y: 17.354, Z: 15.029 xyY x: 0.343, y: 0.352, Y: 17.354 CIELab L: 48.703, a: 2.116, b: 8.198 CIELuv L: 48.703, u: 7.335, v: 10.327 CIELCH / LCHab L: 48.703, C: 8.467, H: 75.529 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 48.703, C: 12.666, H: 54.615 Hunter-Lab L: 41.658, a: -0.604, b: 7.772 CIECAM02 J: 38.587, C: 7.906, h: 68.907, Q: 122.385, M: 6.914, s: 23.768, H: 66.921 OSA-UCS lightness: -10.035, jaune: 1.177, green: -0.311 LMS L: 17.379, M: 17.679, S: 15.066 YCbCr Y: 115.577, Cb: 121.104, Cr: 133.681 YCoCg Y: 113.750, Cg: 0.250, Co: 37.000 YDbDr Y: 115.921, Db: -20.946, Dr: -17.267 YPbPr Y: 115.479, Pb: -7.265, Pr: 6.052 xvYCC Y: 115.176, Cb: 121.618, Cr: 133.316 YIQ Y: 115.921, I: 10.408, Q: -1.408 YUV Y: 115.921, U: -6.849, V: 7.965 Okhsl h: 69.764, s: 0.128, l: 0.488 Okhsv h: 69.764. s: 0.139, v: 0.521 Okhwb h: 69.764, w: 0.449, b: 0.479 Oklab l: 0.559, a: 0.008, b: 0.021 Oklch l: 0.559, c: 0.023, h: 69.764 Munsell Color System 10YR 5/1 ΔE = 2.539 Brand Color Deviantart ΔE = 14.250

Taubmans Santa Sleigh / T12 3.G11 / #7d7266 Hex Color Code

The hexadecimal color code #7d7266 is a shade of brown. In the RGB color model #7d7266 is comprised of 49.02% red, 44.71% green and 40% blue. In the HSL color space #7d7266 has a hue of 31° (degrees), 10% saturation and 45% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 580.13 nm.

  1. Lye-colored (Aku-iro)
  2. Willow grey (Yanaginezumi)
  3. Sen no Rikyu’s tea (Rikyūcha)
  4. Pastel brown
  5. Shadow
  1. Yellow
    #ffff00 / #ff0
  2. Daffodil
  3. Electric yellow
    #ffff33 / #ff3
  4. Azure mist
  5. Laser lemon
    #ffff66 / #ff6

#7d7266 to white

#7d7266 to black


Santa Sleigh / T12 3.G11


California Paints

Dulux Australia

Pantone / PMS

★ 404
#7d7366 ΔE = 0.672 / LRV ≈ 17.6%



★ TF266-3
#7f7366 ΔE = 0.704 / LRV ≈ 17.7%


★ 1352
#7c7064 ΔE = 0.799 / LRV ≈ 16.8%


★ 0546 / Vika
#7d7468 ΔE = 0.961 / LRV ≈ 17.9%



Cloverdale Paint

Toyo Ink

★ CF10993
#7f7369 ΔE = 1.161 / LRV ≈ 17.8%

Pratt & Lambert



★ Full Stone
#807568 ΔE = 1.243 / LRV ≈ 18.3%





★ 561X
#817568 ΔE = 1.359 / LRV ≈ 18.4%

PPG Pittsburgh Paints

Santa’s Sleigh

Christmas tree box card showcasing dark brown stain and santa sleigh design.

Christmas Tree boxes are a fabulous way to hide that ugly tree stand. This is no ordinary tree skirt or tree collar, your tree will be looking elegant and chic – straight off the set of a Hallmark movie!

  • Package includes 3 Wooden Panels Stained in your choice of available colours. Note: Box is NOT STAINED on the backside. Stain colour may vary on computer monitor.
  • Attractive FRONT PANEL Santa’s Sleigh design is Laser Engraved.
  • Boxes are open at the back: for easy installation (simply slide in from the front), to allow space for light cords and to provide easy access to water real trees.
  • Easy to assemble Hook and Loop attachments, simply press the panels together. NO TOOLS REQUIRED!
  • Panels are 22″ Wide X 14″ Tall. Fits tree bases up to 20.5″ Wide (29″ Diagonal width).

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, so if you are not happy, please contact us so we can make it right! If your item arrives damaged, please contact within 7 days of delivery.

Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

The following items can’t be returned or exchanged:
– Personalized pet ornaments and/or
– Personalized Christmas Tree items and/or any other personalized items.

Conditions of return:

Ship items back within 30 days of delivery.
Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs to Stony Plain, AB regardless of return shipping address shown on package.
If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value. Buyer will be refunded original purchase price (not original shipping fee).
Consider choosing tracking on your return item, as we will not be responsible for lost or stolen mail.

Merry Tree Company reserves the right to cancel orders. We are not responsible for any glitches on/in the website and apologize as these are beyond our control. Customers will be contacted by email and a full refund of paid price will be refunded.


Please allow up to Seven (7) business days to complete your order, unless otherwise stated here and on the homepage banner. Shipping delivery estimates are approximately 2-10 days within Canada and USA.

Business days are Monday-Friday; Holidays, Saturday and Sunday are not included.

International Orders: Orders will ship from Canada or USA. We are not responsible for customs delays. Any Import Taxes, VAT, Import charges, Brokerage Fees or other fees due at the time of delivery are the sole responsibility of the receiving customer. Packing slips for international shipments will not be marked as ‘gift’ or with altered prices.

We are NOT responsible for shipping calculation errors. If an error in the shipping cost occurs, we will be in contact with the correct shipping information. You are not obligated to accept this new shipping fee and your order will be fully refunded if you decide to cancel.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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