

How to illustrate an orange wedge

The lobules are not linked per various others. Split the inner circle along the lines of each wedge as well as around the edges.

Translation of “orange slice” in Russian

RAVELLO aperitifs are perfect for a variety of cocktails and can be savoured pure with ice cubes or topped with a lemon or orange slice.

Аперитивы RAVELLO прекрасно подходят для приготовления различных коктейлей, могут употребляться одни с кубиками льда, с украшением долькой лимона или апельсина.

I’ll have a vodka cosmopolitan with an orange slice.
Я буду “Космополитен” с долькой апельсина.

Another advantage of this device is its high productivity: in half an hour you can easily squeeze a sufficiently large amount of juice from a wide variety of products, be it an orange slice or half an apple.

Еще одним преимуществом данного приспособления является большая продуктивность: за полчаса можно легко выжать достаточно большое количество сока из самых разнообразных продуктов, будь-то дольки апельсина или половина яблока.

Just one fresh orange slice offers you child greater than 90% daily intake requirement of vitamin C, while the polyphenols help boost his immunity to keep infections and ailments at bay (1).

Только один свежий апельсин ломтик предлагает ребенку больше 90% потребности ежедневного потребления витамина С, в то время как полифенолы помогают повысить его иммунитет, чтобы сохранить инфекции и болезни в страхе (1).

Before filling, you should pour ice into a glass, and you can decorate it with an orange slice and a tube with an umbrella.

Перед наполнением, в бокал надо засыпать лед, а украсить можно долькой апельсина и трубочкой с зонтиком.

As a decorative design of cocktails, often use a circle, a lemon or orange slice, lemon spiral, orange peel, nutmeg, seasonal or canned fruit or berries, etc.

В качестве декоративного оформления коктейлей, то есть гарниров, очень часто используют кружок, дольку лимона или апельсина, лимонную спираль, апельсиновую цедру, мускатный орех, сезонные или консервированные фрукты или ягоды и т.д.

The libation made with light and dark rum, passion fruit juice, simple syrup and garnished with an orange slice and a cherry, was first created at Pat O’Brien’s bar during World War II.

Облицовка, сделанная из светлого и темного рома, сока маракуйи, простого сиропа и украшенная долькой апельсина и вишней, была впервые создана в баре Пата О’Брайена во время Второй мировой войны.

If you look at the federal budget, this is what it looks like. The orange slice is what’s discretionary. Everything else is mandated.

Если вы взглянете на федеральный бюджет, вы поймете, на что это похоже: Оранжевым обозначены “расходы по собственному усмотрению” Все остальное – обязательные.

If you take a shot of this drink, you should take it with an orange slice, worm salt and chili powder.

Если пить его в чистом виде, его надо закусывать кусочком апельсина и червяковой солью с молотым перцем чили.

Orange drawing Easy (option 1)

orange drawing

There will be two fruits in our drawing of an orange – one whole, the other in a cut. Therefore, we will draw two circles; one should be in the foreground and overlap the one in the background. It should look something like this.

orange drawing

Now let’s add details that will allow us to understand what each of the oranges is. Add a stalk to the orange in the background, and draw a smaller oval in the front circle; it will indicate the cutting line.

orange drawing

Next, in the center of the oval, we begin to draw slices of the cut orange. They are roughly the same shape and size.

orange drawing

At this stage, to make the drawing look even more interesting, let’s draw a couple of orange leaves. Both are behind the oranges.

orange drawing

We’ve almost finished drawing the orange. Now all that remains is to color it in. For fruit drawings, it is good to use watercolors, felt-tip pens, or colored pencils. I use juicy shades of orange mixed with red and yellow, and I paint the leaves and the stem green. If you wish, you can add a shadow on the table with the fruit.

As you can see, it is straightforward to draw an orange; even a child with no art experience can handle it. Try our other lessons as well.

orange drawing

Orange slice drawing (option 2)

orange drawing

Step 1. Draw a circle

orange drawing

Step 2. Let’s draw a leaf

orange drawing

Step 3. Draw one slice next to the orange

orange drawing

Step 4. Finish the slice

orange drawing

Step 5. Coloring the orange

orange drawing

Orange drawing simple (option 3)

orange drawing

The foundation

orange slice drawing

Draw a huge circle to form the base for the fruit. Use a compass or around the item. Do not push the pencil as well as tricky to eliminate the line if it stops working.

Include quantity

orange slice drawing

The next step is to add an oval, which will undoubtedly add volume to the fruit. Research the placement of the figure very carefully. Its best side is a lot larger than its left.

Remove part of the oval.

orange slice drawing

Remove the left side of the oval. We got the outline of an orange half.

Different the peel

orange slice drawing

Indeed, no orange lacks a peel, And also, in the cut, it is noticeable. Utilize the inner circle to separate the crust from the middle. Keep in mind that the citrus peel is quite thick.


orange slice drawing

Now you need to detail the center, given that there will undoubtedly be pieces around it. You can attract two lines in a circle and draw a little circle at their crossway. Attract the supporting lines subtle to make it less complicated to eliminate them.

We outline the pieces.
From the center, we begin to split the inner circle right into small triangles.

orange slice drawing
Layout the orange slices Decide ahead of time the number of orange pieces you will have so that they all fit and are about the same.
Overview of orange pieces
An hr ago, the sad information came from the pre-trial detention center regarding Efremov
orange slice drawing

We complete drawing the lines of the slices

Attempt to draw lines of roughly the same dimension.

orange slice drawing
Finishing drawing a line of the slices If you can not draw lines, as in the guidelines, you can use an additional technique: use a ruler to attract straight and also vertical lines to make sure that they intersect. Then include two more diagonal lines. As a result, you obtain ten pieces.
orange slice drawing

Fixing the shape of the center

orange slice drawing

Orange pieces start with rounds. Link the lines of the core utilizing rounded star lines.

Lobule shape

orange slice drawing

The lobules are not linked per various others. Split the inner circle along the lines of each wedge as well as around the edges.

Attract the details of the peel

orange slice drawing

Due to the truth that the fruit is transformed three-quarters towards us, you can see a tiny part of the skin beyond. Separate it from the within as received the picture.

Separating the pieces

orange slice drawing

If you check out the orange section, you can see that the slices are divided by a thin white crust. Make the triangles smaller. The range in between them is the same. Don’t neglect that the corners are rounded right here.


orange slice drawing

We describe the pieces with additional lines. It is best, to begin with the sides.

Fix a limit very meticulously on the within, as they ought to be straight and not touch various other parts. They can be drawn with a ruler. But towards the end, they are rounded.

orange slice drawing
Detail the orange slices Beware not to miss out on anything.
orange slice drawing

Correcting the within

orange slice drawing

Erase inside the wedges that were drawn initially. This leaves the appropriately drawn inner part of the orange

Peel layers

orange slice drawing

The orange peel is not entirely orange. The within is white—different these balls with a different circle.


The shade of our fruit is orange. You can likewise utilize pale yellow to tint the internal layer that separates the wedges.

Step 5 – Round off the Segments & Finish the Line Drawing

Orange slice segments rounded corners drawing

Round off the corners of the slices as shown in blue in the example above.

Orange slice line drawing

Once done you can clean up your drawing by erasing any of the extra lines so that it looks similar to the example above. Trace over it with a black pen, marker or darker pencils strokes once you are happy with how things look.

Step 6 – Color the Orange Slice

Orange slice drawing

To color the orange you can use colored pencils.

Leave the little bit in the middle white, make the pulp orange and give the peel a transition from orange to yellow.

To make the pulp seem shiny and wet you can give it a bunch of long little highlights (light reflections) as shown in the example. Place these somewhat randomly throughout each of the sections but try and keep them all pointing towards the middle, sort of like rays emanating from the sun. Simply leave these spots white and color around them.


The orange slice in this tutorial is drawn in a somewhat simplified manner. However, it still has enough detail to it so that the drawing does not seem too plain or boring.

If you’ve gotten this far hopefully you’ve found it easy enough to follow along.

For more similar tutorials also try some of the following:

  • How to Draw a Lemon Step by Step
  • How to Draw a Mango Step by Step
  • How to Draw a Papaya Step by Step
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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