

Behr paint yellow color palette

This HEX color is commonly associated with Behr colors, especially Behr paint collection. This particular HEX color sample is often used to illustrate color named Mellow Yellow , the code 320B-6 is also used for refference to this Behr color. And while HEX (RGB) representation of “real world” colors is not the most accurate choice, we can still use this visual sample as a point of refference for personal research or comparison. The information below should be useful to distinguish common colors between different tints, shades, standards and manufacturers.

HEX Color

HEX Code: #FFD06F
HEX Color name: (?)
RGB Decimal: 255, 208, 111
RGB Float: 1, 0.816, 0.435
CMYK Percentage: 0, 18, 56, 0
HSL: 40,100,72
LAB: 86,6,54
LRV (?) : 67.99%

Behr Mellow Yellow (320B-6) represented in HEX code #FFD06F

Mellow Yellow by Behr

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This Behr color palette, inspired by Zillow data, was designed specifically to help sell your home

When it comes to selling your home, many real estate agents would advise decluttering, adding some new amenities and, of course, giving it a fresh coat of paint. However, some paint colors are not as effective as others when it comes to motivating buyers.

A Zillow survey revealed which colors recent and prospective home buyers were more likely to value when searching for a new home. Neutrals and cool tones tended to inspire the greatest interest in touring or buying a home. Often, these tones also increased the average price that buyers would consider offering. Using this research, Zillow partnered with Behr to design a paint color palette with the highest rate of return for sellers in mind.

“We believe in the value that painting can bring to a home,” says Jodi Allen, global chief marketing officer for Behr Paint Company. “The compelling color study from Zillow allowed Behr to select a collection of colors that helps homeowners complete their painting projects and suggests the potential return of investment a fresh coat of paint can provide when putting a home on the market.”

The palette features 12 Behr Premium Plus® colors. It includes Polar Bear, a soft white that ranked highest for kitchen color among those surveyed, as well as Aged Beige, a neutral that when used in the living room, led to a higher overall desire to tour the rest of the home. When Zillow Offers purchases a home directly from the seller, these paint colors are used to refresh the home before listing it for sale. The colors appeal to the widest group of buyers without taking attention away from the home’s most desirable features.

“Zillow’s research can help homeowners be strategic when it comes to selecting the paint colors that could deliver the biggest bang for their buck when it’s time to sell,” says Amanda Pendleton, Zillow’s home trends expert. “This palette makes it easy to select colors backed by Zillow’s research. And it’s not just data science. Zillow has sold more than 10,000 homes by making smart improvements like selecting interior paint in these shades.”

Look for this partnership to soon extend to the aisles of home improvement stores nationwide. More information about the data gathered and the full list of colors is available at Behr.com/Zillow.

residential office

Picture all the paint color choices under the sun, and a rainbow of endless options likely comes to mind. But for Behr’s 2024 Color of the Year selection, the leading paint company has decided to go in a different, and bolder, direction. Today, Behr announces that its much-anticipated annual selection is Cracked Pepper, a moody, meditative, and undoubtedly versatile shade of soft black.

Cracked Pepper (PPU18-1), Behr’s 2024 Color of the Year

“People are looking for ways to personalize their home,” Erika Woelfel, vice president of color and creative services at the Behr, tells AD PRO. Woelfel, whose job includes spearheading the annual color of the year selection, spent 12 months with her team and their various counterparts on this effort. (“We do our research,” she says.) The selection of Cracked Pepper can be seen in large part as the result of a careful consideration of data: For starters, Behr and the Home Depot, the paint brand’s exclusive retailer, noticed that Cracked Pepper was a top seller within Behr’s Designer Collection Palette from last year, a selection of 30 neutral and accent hues culled from designers’ top picks. And, a new survey of American homeowners conducted by the companies found that two-thirds of respondents felt that using black paint made an interior feel bold.

Cracked Pepper, Behr’s 2024 Color of the Year, is as moody as it is comforting.

All this lead to a relatively quick consensus for Behr’s 2024 Color of the Year. “We know people are already using this color…” Woelfel says. “People are interested in seeing these deeper, darker colors. They create a sense of comfort in their homes.” The charcoal shade’s emotive potential extends beyond just cozy comfort though. As Woelfel emphasizes, it’s lux, confident, and pairs well with other paints that may already be used inside a house. It has range, as good a fit for a statement wall as it is for completely enveloping an interior. And Cracked Pepper speaks to various styles, from traditional decor to modern design. “This is really making a statement. It’s an exciting place for us to be,” says Woelfel.

Cracked Pepper plays a grounding role in a light and airy open kitchen.

Illustration courtesy Behr

But for the truly color-obsessed, the announcement of this “approachable, livable, and timeless” tone is only half of the Behr’s big news today. The company is also announcing its 2024 Trends Palette, a bellwether of the paint colors that will rule interiors in the year ahead—all of which pair nicely with Cracked Pepper, of course.

AD PRO’s Color Trends Report
A designer’s guide to the hues ruling interiors now—exclusively for AD PRO members. Read It Now

True whites (Whipping Cream, Weathered White), pale neutrals (Even Better Beige, Chic Taupe), and pastels (Malt, Off Shore Mist) are all “forward-thinking, and livable” choices, according to Woelfel. There are also more energetic and nature-learning hues included (think Amber Brew). As for Woelfel, it’s two of these more saturated tones that she calls out as a couple of her personal favorites. First off, Rumors, a deep red, and second, Provence Blue, a pale blue paint with hints of green. The former, she adds, is a unique selection for a color palette, while the second, she stresses, is very versatile.

When asked how interior designers will benefit from all this news, Woelfel says that she hopes it “gives them ideas, and a place to start. That’s really our goal, to coach people.” Indeed, the Color Trends Palette offers an edited, more navigable selection from the seemingly endless paint samples lining the Behr aisles at the Home Depot. “We want to give [people] confidence in making their selections,” adds Woelfel.

Will the data-backed selection—opting for the time-tested choice over more bright and saturated colorways—be the way of other paint companies as well? Only time, and more color of the year announcements, will tell.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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