
paintingpainting tips

Acrylic painting tips: capturing the illusion of smoke

Bear this in mind when creating your artworks.

Illusion of Movement in Art

When painting or drawing we are creating a static artwork. Yet many artists managed to create the illusion of movement when you look at their artworks.

In this tutorial we will look at 10 ways that you can use to also fool the viewer’s eye into thinking they can see movement in your artworks.

The first thing to realise is that because we can’t add actual movements to our artwork, we will need to imply movement.

In other words we will show the moving objects in such a way that your brain only normally sees them like that when they are moving.

If you can create this effect in your painting, it will look fabulously alive and you are guaranteed to get lots of Wows and compliments.

1) Action Pose

The first of these methods is to place the figure in a pose only normally seen when moving.

illusion of horses racing

In this painting you know these horses are racing because of the way their feet are positioned, their angle tells you they are running around a bend. The pose of the jockeys also tell you that their horses are at full gallop.

In other words the pose has told us a lot of things. We know where these horses are running, in which direction they are running and at what speed.

illusion of movement because of pose

In this artwork we know the boy is jumping because of his pose. The balloons have been posed behind him which tells you that he is jumping forward.

position of figures showing illusion of movement

In this photograph the pose of the little girls is only possible when they are jumping forward so we automatically know that they are jumping forward implying that movement.

2) Perspective Repetition

repeating trees feel like you are moving into the photo

Here is an interesting movement illusion. Take a look at this photo. There is clearly nothing moving in the scene, yet you still get the sense of moving into the scene.

The trick here is to use perspective repetition by repeating same or similar objects into the distance while applying perspective to those objects.

As these similar objects get smaller due to perspective it fools your brain into thinking it is moving forward.

repeating vertical lines create illusion of moving into the artwork

In this artwork it is the repeating vertical lines making you feel like you are walking up the street.

dashed lines on road feel like you are moving around corner

And in this photo it is the perspective repetition of the dashed centre lines making you feel like you are busy taking the corner.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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