
paintingpainting lesson

Beginner’s sunset painting lesson made simple

You could also do this with a wadded up piece of sponge. (as I did on the trees in the Vintage Truck painting)

Videos » Easy Painting in acrylic Paradise Sunset Step by step Live stream

1 Hoots

If you have been wanting to learn how to paint in a way you are supported and all the steps are REALLY explained this is a Great place to start learning!!

Just one brush for this Simple sunset Painting. I use The Art Sherpa® #8 4010 Series Cats Tongue Long Handle

We love to see pictures of you with your brushes. You can share your new treasures with us online on any social website

*** Acrylic Paint Colors ***

Yellow Medium Azo

Phthalo Blue (green shade)

Phthalo Green (blue shade)

More Materials These are used often in my lessons but may not be use here

When you’re looking at mixing colors with primaries, try to remember little changes can have a big impact. Adding the tiniest amount of magenta to your yellow can make it much warmer and brighter. Adding a small amount of white to your magenta can make it much pinker. Primary colors are red yellow and blue. Secondary colors are green purple and orange. You lighten or “Tint” a color using white. You ” Shade” or darken the color using black. In this set Magenta is the red. All of the colors can be a little bit transparent because they’re modern colors. You may ask yourself, “what if I don’t have the exact color I see her painting with?” My answer to you would be don’t worry, use what you have. You get a slightly different result than I do, but you will essentially get the same painting. I include the colors that I use so you can know exactly what is happening. The worksheet above is created to give you a quick reminder about how we get brighter oranges and darker oranges. How we make very bright purples or darker purples.

One brush to paint it all.

I chose to use just my cats tongue brush from my Art Sherpa Brush line in this painting. Now technically, this brush is a pointed filbert. I love it because it gives me a lot of surfaces in one brush. And for those of you that bought the kit who may only have this one brush, I’m going to do all of the painting with it. That said YOU can use several brushes for this painting. Round and brights would be just fine. Some people like to use a fan to make palm trees. There’s not really a right or wrong. But to succeed here, you’re going to want to pay attention to how much water is on your brush, how much paint you have loaded in it, and how much pressure you were applying to the canvas.

When we do the sky for this sunset.

Success Tips

  • Observe the amount of pressure you are putting on the Brush during the Stroke
  • Don’t make a Pattern Zig Zag in the Clouds. Wander the edges in and out
  • Make sure you have a Dry enough brush for your dry brushing
  • Change you water when its dirty
  • Keep your brush strokes level for the water and use the edge of the brush
  • Use tape or a T square for the horizon line to help it be level.

Pay attention to how hard you’re pressing through your shoulder and into the canvas. Also look at the curve of the brush stroke. You will notice that they scoop in like a bowl or a smile. During the lesson really watch how hard the bristles of the brush are engaged or pressing into the canvas.

Also keep in mind that as we move to the water we level the stroke. If you are brushing the strokes at an angle it won’t feel like water to you. So as you’re doing your zigzag for the water reflections, remember don’t tip out your ocean to the side. What I mean is keep everything level so it stays within the canvas. No worries, we get to tip those brushstrokes all the time to make waterfalls!!

Beach Sunset painting supplies

12″ x 12″ stretched canvas
Plaid Folk Art Acrylic Paint Colors
Yellow Ocher
Moon Yellow
Wicker White
Autumn Leaves
Prussian Blue

Cobalt Blue Hue
Burnt Umber
Coffee Latte
Donna Dewberry One Stroke set

Sunset Beach Painting Canvas Layout

First, divide your canvas or surface of choice into thirds. There is no need to be perfect, this is just approximate for the layout.

Divide canvas into thirds for Sunset Beach Painting

Sketch in a beach with a bit of a curve for added interest. You can see the faint pencil line in the next photo.

Paint the Sunset Sky

Double load the 3/4″ flat brush with Yellow Ocher and Moon Yellow. (need to know how to double load? See Basic Brush Strokes here)

Stroke the colors onto the canvas horizontally. To avoid hash marks in the canvas, pull all the way from one side of the canvas to the other in one long stroke.

Paint sunset sky with yellow ocher and moon yellow

Reload and stroke on down to the waterline. Add a touch of Autumn Leaves to your brush and streak it into the yellow. Depending on how wet your yellows are will determine how it blends in.

adding a touch of red to the sunset sky

Let dry. Remember less is more, if you want to add more of the Autumn Leaves color then you can do so later. Streak in a bit of white too. Just a touch.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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