
paintingpainting colors

Christmas tree painting with pink colors

To add an usual twist, I pick up some fake roses from the Dollar Store and painted them lavender (Weathered Silk, PF9, Para Paints).

Fun with Colour: Customize your Christmas Tree!

Well the holidays are upon us! Are you feeling it yet?

I sure am! We are in December with only a few weeks left to go. This year, I’m in full Christmas spirit! I’m embracing the decorating, not complaining about the parking issues at the mall and I’m even planning to try new holiday recipes ().

Today I’m excited to share my newly decorated Christmas tree combining my two favourite tones: pink and gold.
Feast your eyes on this!

I found this champagne colour Christmas tree last year at Urban Barn’s boxing day sale. It’s original, it’s fresh and I knew it would look great beside my sage green sofa. I had to get it!

One minor problem. When it came to decorating the tree this year, all the ornaments I own are either red, green, silver or bronze. Definitely not the look I wanted for my new tree.

So how did I get this look without buying all new ornaments?

Follow my helpful tips to make the most of what you have this holiday season!

1) Have a visual in mind. Know what you want your tree to look like.

Choose a spot in your house that showcases your tree as the main attraction. Pick a spot that works best with the width and height of your tree. Know what colours

you want to work with. If your after that pro look, choose a colour theme that compliments your current home decor. Most of all choose something that appeals to your style. Don’t forget, you will be the one looking at this display everyday during the holidays!

2) Work with what you have.

Going out to buy new ornaments every year gets expensive (unless you get those fantastic boxing day deals). Stick to neutral colour ornaments. They can be combined with any colour theme you want. If you would like to switch it up one year, it is much easier to just change out the accent colour vs all your ornaments. In my case, I had a whole bunch of red, green, silver and bronze ornaments. I definitely knew the red & green accent colours would not work in a champagne Christmas tree. So I picked out all the neutral colours in my sets and left behind all the bright colour ornaments (I’ll save them for another year!)

Christmas tree painting with pink colors

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The 12 colours of Christmas

Over time, we have all come to associate certain colours with Christmas. We’ve put together a list of 12 colours that we think represent the festive season. So if you want to add some Christmas cheer to your home, whether by painting some walls or just adding some decor, here are the colours you should look for.

The 12 colours of Christmas

1. Red

If we had to choose just one colour to represent Christmas, red would definitely be the one. Red conjures up images of Santa’s red suit and bottomless gift sack, the red berries on holly and Rudolph the reindeer’s nose. And Star Paint, of course.

2. Green

Mistletoe, holly and ivy are all green plants that remind us of Christmas as they are often used as decoration over the Christmas period. Who hasn’t kissed someone underneath the mistletoe? There there is also, of course, the green Christmas tree where you’ll find most families huddled underneath in their homes on 25 December. Green is also a symbol of hope, which is what Christmas is all about.

3. Gold

When Baby Jesus was born, it was gold, frankincense and myrrh that the wise men brought to him as gifts. Gold is also the colour traditionally used to depict the star that the wise men followed to find the newborn king. These days, there are many gold stars that adorn the top of Christmas trees.

4. White

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? It’s not very likely to occur in the Southern Hemisphere, but the white of snow has come to be associated with Christmas. White also symbolises peace and holiness – key themes of Christmas time.

5. Blue

Interestingly, the colour blue is often associated with Mary, mother of Jesus. Apparently, in those times, blue dye or paint was only worn by wealthy, royal families, so Mary was often depicted in blue to indicate her importance. These days, blue baubles adorning a Christmas tree are a common sight.

6. Purple

The colour purple traditionally symbolises repentance and fasting when it comes to Christmas. But purple is also quite commonly associated with royalty, so it is used over the Christmas period to point to the sovereignty of Christ.

7. Silver

Silver can be used instead of (or with) gold as another “royal” colour symbolising health and wealth. It’s a classic colour that is used a lot in Christmas decorations and wrapping paper. When used with white it creates the effect of sparkling snow – a common association with Christmas time in the Northern Hemisphere.

8. Brown

You may think brown is an odd colour to associate with Christmas, but one decor item often used over Christmas is pine cones. Brown kraft paper and twine are wrapping elements that are also being used a lot more for Christmas gifts.

9. Yellow

Yellow might not be the first colour you associate with Christmas, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t used over Christmas. One can often find yellow Christmas baubles and decorations, as well as yellow ribbon.

10. Black

Black might not be a main colour of Christmas, but it is often used as a complementary colour to red (think of Santa’s belt and boot) and gold (think of a beautifully wrapped gold gift with black ribbon).

11. Bronze

We predict that bronze will become more prevalent over Christmas time as more people adopt the rustic Christmas theme. Its neutral colour means it works with just about any other colour, especially with its counterparts gold and silver.

12. Pink

Pink is in. Yes, even over for Christmas. Pink is a bright, happy colour that works perfectly with silver. Any Christmas tree pops with pink decorations.

Imagine this: A canvas comes alive with a cascade of colors, mirroring the vibrant hues of Rainbow Dash’s mane https://www.starpaint.co.za/paint-use-exterior-walls/ – bold blues, radiant reds, ecstatic yellows, gorgeous greens, and pretty purples. Each color on the canvas speaks for Rainbow Dash’s dynamic and brave persona, creating a visual narrative that draws the observer into her world.

And that’s our list of 12 colours that we think represent the festive season. How will you be incorporating these 12 colours into your home this Christmas?

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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