

Contrast painting done by oneself

Exposure, color, and tones are all visual characteristics that can create more contrast in a composition.

Contrast in Art: Examples, Definition and How to Use it

Contrast in art

Contrast is a compositional element in art and a principle of art and design. Artists can use contrast to create their intended effect, whether that is one of balance, or dynamism. By altering the difference between colour and value in an artwork, you can create a sense of realism, or abstraction, and produce a harmonious or discordant image.

In this article we’ll explore contrast in art, including its definition and some examples. We’ll also give some tips on how to use contrast to make your own art piece more successful.

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Contrast in art definition

Contrast can be defined as the juxtaposition of two elements that are different, but which work together to create a balanced whole. In art, contrast is used to direct the viewer’s attention to a particular area of the painting, and can be used to create a variety of different effects.

Contrast can be created using a number of different visual elements, including colour, value, texture and form. By altering the level of contrast in an artwork, you can change the overall tone and feel of the piece.

Types of contrast in art

Contrast in art comes in many forms, the contrast between light and dark (values), the contrast between hues or saturation (colour), and even the contrast between texture and form.

Value contrast

Monet painting values

Value contrast is created by using light and dark tones to create a sense of depth and three-dimensionality. The definition of value in art is the relative light or darkness of a colour, irrespective of its hue. Value contrast can be used to make an object appear closer or further away, and can also be used to create a sense of drama or movement.

The value scale

Denman Ross Value scale

The value scale was invented by Denman Ross, it’s a scale of 9 values that range between white and black. Artists can use this scale to determine how values in their artworks relate to one another.

One tool that can be really useful is a value finder—match values on the card to the values in your artwork. You can use it whilst mixing colours, or use it to match values in your art to the values in your reference. This way, you can achieve your desired contrast in your artwork.

High and low contrast

Value contrast in art

High contrast in art refers to an image where there is a big difference between the light and dark values. Low contrast, on the other hand, is when there is not much difference between the light and dark values. The level of contrast you use in your artwork will depend on the effect you want to create. For example, in this painting of a wave at just before dusk, I wanted to create a serene feeling, whereas the sunset painting on the right appears more vibrant and eye catching at first, due to the high value contrast.

Colour contrast

colour contrast in art

Colour contrast describes the contrast between the hues of an image. Complementary colours have a high colour contrast, those are the colours that are situated at opposite ends of the colour wheel. For example, blue and orange are complementary colours, or purple and yellow. Create a high colour contrast by using complementary colours in your artwork. Choose a colour scheme to work from, to plan the colours of your painting. In the paintings above, I chose to work with a limited palette of ultramarine blue, burnt umber and white for the painting on the left to create a monochromatic scheme. Whereas the painting on the right has less value contrast, but more colour contrast. I used a larger palette of phthalo blue, burnt umber, magenta, lemon yellow and white.

Saturation is another way to describe colour contrast, this refers to the intensity of a colour. For example, a highly saturated red, like the red you see on a postbox (in the UK) or a fire engine, compared to a muted red of a brick wall.

Contrast and texture

Texture contrast in art

Texture is another way to create contrast in art. This only works with thicker mediums that can add three dimensionality to a piece, like oil paint or heavy body acrylics.

For example, you could add cold wax to oil paint to thicken the mixture and aid the paint in retaining texture on the surface. Then paint with thick strokes, using the impasto technique. Use softer texture for distant elements, to make the subject in the foreground stand out.

Contrast and form

Line, shape, values and edges all comprise the form of an object. Contrast can be used as an element to vary the thickness of lines, the relative hardness or softness of edges or the size and nature of the shapes in an artwork.

What is Contrast in Art and Composition?

First, let’s define contrast in art

Contrast can be achieved in a variety of ways. Before we dive into those techniques and some examples of contrast in art we must first learn what contrast is as it pertains to art by looking at the contrast art definition.


What is contrast in art?

Contrast in art is the technique of using unlike visual elements in juxtaposition to create meaning and intensify the characteristics of the work. Artists utilize various elements at their disposal to create contrast such as shadows, light, color, size, and composition. Contrast has often been called the golden rule for creating art as it is one of the best tools to engage a viewer and create meaning within a single work.

What is contrast in art created from?

  • Complementary colors
  • Light and dark
  • Contrasting sizes

While contrast is a highly importance aspect of composition, there are many others to consider as well. Before we dive head-first into contrast in art, download our FREE E-book on Elements of Composition in Art, Photography & Film — The Complete Guide.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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