

Exploration of the painted world

31 janv. 2017 à 8h28

[Spoilers] A Theory on the Painted World of Ariamis

The Painted World has, for a long time, been fascinating for me. The place was hard to find, hard to beat, and hard to not be amazed by. But what I’ve wondered for a long time is what it was for, and how it fit into the lore. My thought is that it is, in short, a prison.

The first clue was the swarm of enemies guarding the entrance to the Painted World, outright named in their items as painting guardians. The reason for this has “passed from all memory.”

And what’s found in the Painted World exactly? First and most obvious is Crossbreed Priscilla, the spawn of a dragon and another creature (Potentially one of the deific denizens of Anor Londo), who may upset the rule of the Lords by helping fill the divide between the bitter enemies. And of course, one of the dragons themselves, though in an undead and rotten state. Further on, the player can find the Occult Ember, which allows for the creation of weapons that deal more damage against deific creatures; that is, weapons made specifically to kill the Lords.

All of these, as you might guess, are threats to the rule of the Lords. Priscilla may shift the populace’s opinions on the dragons, while the imprisoned dragon and Occult Ember is dangerous for obvious reasons.

So what about the other enemies encountered in the Painted World? The hollows, demons, and other creatures? The normal hollows are easy, they could simply be political prisoners or otherwise dangerous humans–or perhaps the Chosen Undead of another world who couldn’t best Priscilla. The Infested Zombies are a bit more interesting. They have a diseased look and a grotesquely bloated head. Where else have we seen an enemy fitting this description but in the Township of Oolacile after being plagued by the Abyss? Moving on, there’s a number of skeleton wheels near the Occult Ember; this could be meant to guard the Ember. My thoughts on the Heavy Knight near Priscilla are similar. The various crow harpies could be humans or Anor Londo denizens warped by Chaos and imprisoned here.

The creatures inhabiting Lost Izaltih aren’t imprisoned because, at the time that the influence of Chaos became a massive threat there, the use of the Painted World as a prison has already been forgotten. I think that the attempted recreation of the First Flame in those hellish pits may be more recent than the game suggests; after all, consider the state of the Kiln. It’s blasted and nuked; it was clear the lighting of the First Flame was incredibly fatal. The recreation wasn’t made out of hubris in thinking they could control it, or a lust for the power it promises. Instead, it was desperation as the Age of Fire dwindled and sputtered out. This also ties into the bit about the Infested Zombies in the Painted World being Bloatheads; at the time that things were being stuffed into the painting, Oolacile was alive and well, showing it was eons ago.

Now, do note I’ve yet to play Dark Souls 2 or Demon Souls; if the content of either of those games happen to contradict or further support this theory, please tell me. I may be relying a bit too much on FROM Software’s foresight and planning, but Dark Souls is an exercise in finding links between the world; story links are no far cry. I’m not sure if the base game was designed with the lore of PtD in mind, but I suspect it was. Finally, I’m aware of the Painted World’s origins as a beta world. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the devs didn’t tie it into the later iteration of the world.

Exploration of the painted world

31 janv. 2017 à 8h04

Lore Question >.<

After endless lore discussions over years about DS1, DS2 and DS3 I reached a point where I cannot find an answer to a specific question that makes sense for me.
I will make a short explaination and I hope you can give me some insight on it since it’s really bugging me out.

About the painted world of Ariamis it’s stated that Father Ariandel re-newed the world. He knew that it’s drawn with blood etc etc.
Though I doubt he was born in the painted world of Ariamis.
So he painted the painting anew from the outside and thus began the painted world of ariandel.

My problem now is that the painter girl, paints a new painting. And what I just realized is that she is painting a painting in a painting. Does that even make sense ? Or could this actually work ?
I can imagine that Father Ariandel painted the old painting anew and then he got into it.
But I cannot imagine that the painter girl can paint a painting in a painting.
Thats just to paradox for me.

The dialogue of the crow guy in ariandel says that they burn down their world to fight against the rot and then paint a new world.

So if the painter girl paints a painting in a painting that will be burned away what will happen lol ?

And some theories or evidence also says that the painting she is painting or better said the canvas she is using is the canvas which was used alot and over and over again for all the painted worlds ( thus why it is so worn out and it looks like the middle got deleted to make place for a new one etc. ).

But can that be ?
Because how did the painting itself gets in the painting ?
Its like going through a portal and taking this exact portal through the portal aswell. That cannot happen.

Would be really glad to know what you guys are thinking about that.
Maybe I just overlooked a simple lore fact thst can give an answer or maybe its really just paradox.

Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 16

31 janv. 2017 à 8h05

It’s magic.

31 janv. 2017 à 8h22

Good question. For the answer. I vote for paradox!

31 janv. 2017 à 8h28

“A wizard did it.” [cit.]

31 janv. 2017 à 8h28

Alby a écrit :
Good question. For the answer. I vote for paradox! :praisesun:

Haha yeah it seems that’s probably the only explaination Q.Q

31 janv. 2017 à 9h34

I haven’t done AofA yet and don’t know much about it, though I have been exposed to the fact the unkindled one is sucked thru a canvas scrap. Maybe my lack of knowledge of the DLC’s lore will help you see from a different perspective.

Where did the canvas scrap the man is holding come from? Is it off the canvas the painting woman is using? Is it a part of the huge ariamis painting in anor londo?
Maybe they use paintings as one-way portals. The new painted world is finished, they “burn” their current painted world and all go thru the new finished painting? Then a canvas is used inside that new painted world to eventually repeat.
Perhaps someone in the painted world of ariamis (not ariandel) started the process of creating a new world once the inhabitants mucked up theirs. That’s even assuming ariamis was the original painted world.
How did the canvas scrap man appear and where did he come from?

I’m not asking for answers to these questions, in fact I’m leaving after this post is made, but the solution doesn’t necessarily have to exist (though it would be nice to understand). Good luck!

31 janv. 2017 à 9h53

Since there is no rule set for the painted world all you can do is philosofy.

Though one could think that since everything else is possible then why wouldn’t you be able to paint and create another portal to another world.
I mean if you really look at what is happening then she paints a painting wich works as a portal since she cannot draw everything in one painting but you are able to walk there.

And like always philosofy leads to more questions like what is this world we are entering?
good stuff for the brain though, I like your question allot.

31 janv. 2017 à 11h23

if you want small details, you will be dissapointed, lore isnt detailed in ds3. or just doest exist. lore =/= plot .

31 janv. 2017 à 11h59

xgun9999 a écrit :

if you want small details, you will be dissapointed, lore isnt detailed in ds3. or just doest exist. lore =/= plot .

I agree with you even though I wouldn’t adress this topic as a “small“ detail. Usually DS lore can be connected through some holes or just theories are enough in some cases but as I mentioned this time it kinda gets on my nerves since I can’t make a good explaination/reasoning. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love the soul series and alot of different theories about different topics but this is something I cannot handle since I thought about it to much haha.

Maybe it’s a detail overseen by me. Or a detail left out from Miyazaki.
Or even just doesnt exist at all or a simple theory is the key to it.
I might never know it but I wanted to ask anyways.

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

31 janv. 2017 à 12h09

xgun9999 a écrit :

if you want small details, you will be dissapointed, lore isnt detailed in ds3. or just doest exist. lore =/= plot .

Wrong, the details of the world of Dark Souls is so overwhelming.. What’s missing is missing for a reason, for example to leave room for speculation, which is helluva fun.

To this question: the girl doesn’t yet paint the new world, she needs the dark soul of man, which Gael is searching for. Thus your question is irrelevant YET. She can still go outside and paint a world there. Or she can still create a paradox.

EDIT: To prove how detailed the world is just check architecture and etymology. Etymology is when you research what the names mean. There are connections even when using the same language to create a name.
Also keep in mind that this game is not English originally, thus there can be some mistakes or just missing informations. We’ve seen it already in DS1 and DS2.

Dernière modification de Hunubul; 31 janv. 2017 à 12h12

31 janv. 2017 à 12h17

TGCornholio a écrit :

Since there is no rule set for the painted world all you can do is philosofy.

Though one could think that since everything else is possible then why wouldn’t you be able to paint and create another portal to another world.
I mean if you really look at what is happening then she paints a painting wich works as a portal since she cannot draw everything in one painting but you are able to walk there.

And like always philosofy leads to more questions like what is this world we are entering?
good stuff for the brain though, I like your question allot.

I totall agree with the fact that it is possible in the DS universe to create/paint a portal to another world.
And of course the painting just shows more or less the entrance or just a part of the world itself since you can explore way more than is shown within the painting.
But I dont believe that the painting just creates a portal to a existing place but rather creates the portal together with the world itself.
And I guess that is my problem with it.

Because I imagine it like this:
There is a painting. Painting A.
There is a painter in Painting A which is painting Painting B on her canvas.
Painting A needs to burn away in order for painting B to exist.
But since painting B is located in painting A, painting B would burn away with painting A.
So basically . you cannot travel through a portal and take the portal with you.

I do love to think about it even if its cracking my skull haha.

But somehow I guess I was just hoping for an explaination that I am satisfied with even if I know there is a chance that explaination does not exist ^^

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

31 janv. 2017 à 12h25

Ponion a écrit :
xgun9999 a écrit :

if you want small details, you will be dissapointed, lore isnt detailed in ds3. or just doest exist. lore =/= plot .

Wrong, the details of the world of Dark Souls is so overwhelming.. What’s missing is missing for a reason, for example to leave room for speculation, which is helluva fun.

To this question: the girl doesn’t yet paint the new world, she needs the dark soul of man, which Gael is searching for. Thus your question is irrelevant YET. She can still go outside and paint a world there. Or she can still create a paradox.

EDIT: To prove how detailed the world is just check architecture and etymology. Etymology is when you research what the names mean. There are connections even when using the same language to create a name.
Also keep in mind that this game is not English originally, thus there can be some mistakes or just missing informations. We’ve seen it already in DS1 and DS2.
I agree with you aswell. If you search long enough and look close enough a lot of details and holes can be connected through bigger theories or even small details.

Yes you are right. I cannot argue with that point but I am kinda afraid that there won’t be added much to the Ariandel story through the new DLC. Ofc I can be wrong and hopes are up but it’s just a feeling.

It’s possible but still a bit dragged out for me to believe the painter or even whole ariandel squad and citizens just leave the painting, paint a new one and then enter that one. Dunno that is just not a satisfying answer for me. Since DS1 it always felt like its not so easy for the inhabitants to leave a painted world. Thats probably just a feeling aswell but I hope you get my point.

I do agree with you after all and maybe it is to early for this question but I just cannot stop thinking about it haha

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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