
paintingpainting floral

Floral tree painting made simple

You could quadrant the tree and make a 4 season tree with all the colors of fall, winter, spring and summer!

Straw Flower Painting

straw flower painting

hello, Wonderful

This Straw Flower Painting is the perfect paint activity for kids! Fun and simple, with minimal supplies needed! An excellent way to create art!

When it comes to simple art to display and hang, make room on your fridge. This super cute project is one that kids of all ages will love! The best part is that they can change up the colors of the paint and make even more fun flowers as well.

We like to do this activity during the spring and summer months, but I will say that it’s a nice burst of color for the cold and winter months as well!

The next time that you want to show the kids that it’s fun to use items around the house to create art, this is a great DIY flower painting project to do!

Straw Flower Painting

Straw Flower Painting

Who inspired this Straw Flower Painting?

We first saw this cool technique on Instagram over @allaroundfamily.de make sure to check out her colorful version!

That all depends on how thick the paint is that you push down on the paper. If the kids don’t use a ton of paint to make their flowers, it’s not going to take very long to dry at all.

If they use a lot, it’ll take a bit of time. I would say that about 30 minutes or so should be a good amount of drying time to hang up the picture without the paint dripping or running.

Straw Flower Painting

straw flower painting

Outdoor Activities For Kids

Getting outside is one of the best things for kids! Countless studies have shown that being in nature is not only good for kids but also for us as parents. Nature has a calming effect that just seems to make everything better, especially since we’re always on our screens too much. That’s why I love finding fun and simple outdoor activities that keep my kids busy! This is an easy spring time craft but can also be done any season with foliage you find around your yard. And don’t forget to check out these other outdoor activities for kids!

Are you looking for a fun and interactive nature craft for kids - Try making DIY Flower Trees out of cardboard boxes. With a few simple supplies including cardboard, clear tape, and flowers your kids can make pretty upcycled nature art that is sure to WOW. See how many different color and texture combinations your kids can find outdoors to make these pretty flower trees!

Supplies For This Fun Outdoor Recycled Craft For Kids

DIY flower trees are incredibly easy to make with just a few supplies. Once your kids make one of these beautiful flower trees, they will beg to make more. Make sure to save and pin this craft for later!

  • Cardboard
  • Packing Tape (clear)
  • X-Acto Knife (razor blade or scissors work too)
  • Marker for drawing the outline of the box
  • Ruler

How To Make A Flower Tree Craft

Step 1. Find a piece of cardboard and draw a square and cut it out. I made my cardboard frame 10×10 but you can make yours larger or smaller. This size was easy for my kids to carry and work with!

Step 2. Using a ruler, draw another square about 2 inches inside of the one you just cut out. Use an X-Acto knife or razor blade to cut the middle part of this square out. You should be left with a cardboard frame! I like to draw my lines on the “ugly” side of the box where there might be writing or tape. We’ll call this the back side of the frame.

Step 3. Use clear packing tape and cover the back side of the cardboard frame. Each tape line should overlap just a bit. Turn the frame over and it will be sticky!

Step 4. Using the leftover scraps of cardboard, make little tree trunks and place one on the sticky side of the tape in each frame.

Step 5. Head outside and let your kids use flowers, leaves, sticks and grass to create beautiful flower trees! You can even replace the cardboard tree trunk with sticks to make this outdoor craft even more “natural”. How pretty is this nature craft for kids!

Why is getting kids to go outside sometime so hard? Well not anymore! Your kids are going to beg to head outside to make recycled flower trees out of cardboard and clear packing tape! You can make a ton of these nature boards in just a few minutes and your kids can enjoy exploring outdoors making pretty flower trees. Challenge your kids to make as many different combinations of flowers, leaves and sticks that they can find. This really is a super fun nature craft for kids.

This DIY flower craft is easy and fun for kids and makes a great outdoor activity. Try making several cardboard frames ahead of time and see how many different combinations of flower trees your kids can make! I love that this cheap craft uses recycled material and only takes a few minutes to setup.

DIY Flower Trees using cardboard and clear tape is a fun and cheap activity for kids. I love this recycled craft because it’s easy to set up and it gets my kids out of the house. Once you make a frame out of an old cardboard box, simply cover one side in clear packing tape and have your kids use flowers, sticks, and leaves to create a mini tree! This easy craft is pretty hanging in a window or on the wall.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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