

Inspirational canvas painting ideas for teachers

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Teacher appreciation Canvas art

This month is Autism Awareness and next week is Teacher appreciation. Since my children attend a Charter school for children on the autism spectrum I wanted to make my teachers gifts have a slight autism theme to them.


Since the symbol for autism is multi colored puzzle pieces I decided to make those my centerpiece, and found a fun puzzle quote that seemed teacher appropriate as well.


I used my sihouette machine and fabric interfacing to cut out puzzle pieces from some riley blake fabric squares I had is some fun bright colors


Then I ironed them onto the canvas (I placed a piece of cardboard underneath while ironing to get it nice and stiff)


Then I cut out the teachers name and the quote in vinyl (also using my silhouette), since I want the vinyl to be a stencil pull OUT the words.


I received a bag of some AMAZING Plaid- Martha Stewart collection products for my mothers day project (More about that next week) and inside were these AMAZING brush tops that attach right onto the paint bottle. AMAZING I love love LOVE these tops!


So I pressed the vinyl stencils onto the canvas (again use the cardboard underneath to get crisp lines) and painted right over the vinyl.


peel off the vinyl and your done! I love how they turned out! And my kids are excited to take them to their teachers next week! What are you doing for teacher appreciation? Don’t forget to go link up to this month’s Point of View!

Sketches that are ‘d this week

Nodes that have their own behaviors. They may push or pull each other, connect, kill or give birth, based on position, color, and who knows.

Define these set of rules and press Play to watch these particles live their fascinating yet random lives.

Particle Systems

Take a data point, assign it to a color or size of a shape. Position it on the canvas based on its relation to another data point.

When all is said and done, let the visualizations reveal the hidden patterns and tell the story behind the data.

Data Visualization

Create characters, define game dynamics, and you got yourself a sketch with villain square taking revenge while shooting lasers with unlimited life.

Creating games is one of the most fun ways to explore object oriented programming and multi-user interactions on the same canvas.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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