

Minimal effortless holiday painting ideas

This might go against everything you’ve been told, but hear us out on this: While small trees leave more room for walking around, tiny trees lack the bravado of a large tree. So rather than placing a pokey little Charlie Brown inspiration in your four-person sitting room, go ahead and opt for a midsize tree that still offers that dramatic moment that will have you vocalizing “How lovely are thy branches!”

40 Holiday Decorating Tricks for Small Spaces

Decorating a small space for the holidays is undoubtedly challenging, especially when a quick dive into the Pinterest black hole bestows images of mammoth 12-foot-high Christmas trees adorned with grapefruit-size ornaments or the festooned staircases of multistory manses. Meanwhile, you, in your studio apartment, wonder where on earth your stockings will hang if not on the fireplace mantel that you don’t have. But compromising on square footage doesn’t have to mean you’re short on holiday flair—or even how-did-they-do-that extravagance, for that matter.

Whether it’s the use of intentional colors or clever decor considerations, some of the itty-bittiest of homes can evoke a sense of festive cohesion and coziness, despite their square footage. “For me, it was never about making the space feel bigger but about embracing the smallness of it and really going for it,” designer Bradley Odom, owner of Atlanta’s Dixon Rye, tells ELLE DECOR. “You can go big as long as you keep it within the scale of the overall environment.”

For Odom, decorating any space necessitates working with sight lines to keep your space feeling open and airy. “In these spaces, rather than clutter the space with additional pieces of decor, we decorate on top of what already exists,” he explains. “Adding layers of holiday decor instead of whole new pieces allows the space planning to continue to exist but with added festiveness.” Think wreaths on top of art and hanging on the backs of chairs, or ribbons and garland added to existing sculptural pieces.

Wondering how that comes into play in your home? If you have visions of transforming your 250-square-foot apartment into Santa’s village but would still like access to seating that doesn’t involve a pine-needle face massage, we’ve compiled 40 tips to show you that size doesn’t equate to pizzazz. Read on for brilliant holiday hacks to add some sparkle to your small space, from ceiling centerpieces to alternative mantels.

Go Big (Really)

christmas tree

Courtesy Bradley Odom

We have great news: A sad, sparse, Charlie Brown Christmas tree isn’t the only way to make a small space feel festive. In fact, it’s not even the best way. “In small spaces people have a tendency to downsize their decor in order to not overwhelm it,” Odom explains. “However, this has the opposite effect in a smaller space. By having an oversize wreath that takes up an entire wall, for example, it makes the entire space feel more grand, and definitely more festive.” The right holiday fixture, like this voluminous Christmas tree that Odom brought into this modest modern living room, also draws the eye around the room with statement pieces that make the space feel more expansive.

Layer on the Luxury


Courtesy Bradley Odom

This crackling fireside moment doesn’t require a colossal wreath to make an impact. The secret to some unique displays is variety. “Abundance can really be the highlight of the season,” Odom adds. “Instead of thinking in the rule of threes, throw that out the window and go over the top. Why not have 20 brass candleholders on your mantel?” Here, Odom festooned this mantel with a generous arrangement of billowing greens, including eucalyptus, pine, berry sprays, hypericum flowers, and tree branches—basically, anything you can get your hands on that’s green.

Go Bare

bare christmas tree minimalist

When creating a minimalist Christmas setting, focus on only the essentials. This stripped-down Christmas tree trio from Finding Lovely features simple white lights and a few golden balls. The look is calming and inviting without all the extra trimming, especially when eyesore tree stands are hidden in woven baskets.

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Create a Natural Centerpiece

wreath centerpiece

Wreath, meet table. Buy a small wreath (live or artificial), lay it on its side, and put your candles in the middle. Faster than you can say “Kriss Kringle,” you’ve got an elegant holiday centerpiece.

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Branches Everywhere

christmas bathroom

Any flat surface is ripe for being accented with a garland or greenery. Add foraged branches and pinecones to a shelf in the bathroom as Milk and Honey Life did, or turn to your bookcases, mantel, sideboard, and console table as spots to add a little holiday cheer.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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