

Participate in the canvas painting trend

Currently, the art world is experiencing a strong resurgence of Neo-expressionism, characterized by intense, raw, and vibrant emotions. Digital and interactive art forms, capitalizing on technology advancements, are also gaining immense popularity. Furthermore, sustainability-focused art, which underlines environmental issues, is profoundly resonating with audiences globally.

Canvas Prints: The Latest Decorating Wall Art Trend

Colorful Abstract Wall Art Prints

With the new year quickly approaching, it’s time to consider the wall art trends that will define it. Canvas prints and paintings are excellent ways to brighten up your interiors and express yourself in every room of your home.

Why are canvas prints the new trend in wall art?

Canvas prints will never go out of style. While decor trends seem to change with the seasons, canvas wall art is timeless. Your choice of paintings or prints to hang on your walls is a deeply personal reflection of who you are. However, there are some exciting trends in the space that can be incorporated into interiors to give them a contemporary feel.

White Jellyfish Canvas Wall Art

Interiors that are calm and sanctuary-like are popular. The world is a crazy place right now, and while you can’t control what happens outside your door, you can make it a peaceful place on the inside.

The shapes and textures of modern interiors will continue to be define by color, geometric, or Abstract Wall Art.

Many of us were forced to reconsider what it meant to live in our homes as a result of the pandemic, and many people shifted toward more natural light and materials.

2. Want to go busy or minimal with your space?

The question of how much Skyline Wall Art should take up on your walls defies easy answers. A lot depends on how your home is laid out and which rooms you are designing.

Flatiron Building Canvas

According to some experts, the city wall art trend of recent years is on the decline. However, grouping paintings isn’t going away anytime soon. However, how they are organized together may change. Recent grid-like spacings may give way to a more eclectic, looser feel.

  • According to experts, the best way to create curated collections of city canvas prints on a wall is to use as much of the available space as possible.
  • According to estimates, somewhere between two-thirds and three-quarters looks best. While many consumers err on the side of caution, fearing that a gallery wall will appear cluttered, the result is often a barren wall devoid of pop and inspiration.

The truth is that with enough space between pieces, say 5 to 10 cm, you can fill your open wall with city canvas wall art in a variety of styles and sizes. Expect to see more open walls with a gallery feel but with less structure and more diverse or clashing elements in home decor.

April 26, 2022Posted by Saatchi Art

Art is ever-evolving. Tastes and styles change, movements rise and fall, and artists turn to new mediums through which to present their vision. Yet one of the biggest leaps forward in the art world has come with the recent boom in NFTs, which are not only providing new ways for artists to create, but also challenging traditional beliefs and practices around who makes art, how art can be purchased, who owns art, and what form or medium art can take.

First, what are art NFTs? An NFT, or “nonfungible token,” is a unique token that lives on the blockchain and corresponds to a digital file—often, this is a piece of art. When an artist creates an NFT, the process is called minting, and doing so creates a token tied to a unique work of art, a song, an experience, etc. When someone purchases an NFT, they become the verifiable owner of that original digital asset because the NFT is kept on the blockchain, which is a public ledger. Blockchain technology also offers the ability for creators to earn royalties on secondary sales, deploy smart contracts to execute transactions, and offer fractionalization or partial ownership of an artwork, among other new and exciting functionalities.

NFTs are not only innovative, they’re also pricing high. NFTs saw $2.5 billion in sales in just the first half of 2021, and the market cap of NFTs grew ten-fold between 2018 and 2020. In December 2021, digital artist Pak set the record for largest sale by a living artist with their NFT drop “Merge.” CryptoPunks are regularly selling around $500,000 apiece (at current ETH prices), with a dozen purchased per day.

Founded upon blockchain technology, NFTs are indeed changing the world of art. What follows are five trends that show how art NFTs are impacting the world today, and how they will influence the world tomorrow.


One of the opportunities that NFTs and blockchain technology offer is the ability to pay an artist directly for their work, because the blockchain enables one-to-one transactions outside of third parties. This means that patronage of the arts is changing. No longer will artists have to create for corporate sponsors, brands, or mega-collectors. Instead, they can make the work that they want to produce, while connecting directly with their audience. Because the digitization of art provides access to anyone with an internet connection, we’re seeing more individuals, who may have never thought about collecting before, entering into the art space because it’s now available to them.

Beyond the promise of owning the original artwork, there is also a growing movement to add additional utility for token owners, resulting in a number of benefits and usages outside of “art for art’s sake.” To start with, added layers of functionality increase the value not only of the art but also of the transaction and the entire NFT ecosystem, including blockchain security, verifiable ownership, smart contracts, token transferability, and more. Built-in utilities can also include having an NFT attached to something physical, like a sculpture, an experience, a reward or membership, or another unique value-add.


Because NFTs are making art more accessible and allowing more artists and collectors to get involved, they’re also forging new communities. It’s not only strengthening the art community by bringing together artists and individuals who are interested in supporting and fostering each other’s work, but it’s also building collector communities and “clubs” around specialized drops.

One way we’ve seen this has been in the rise of PFPs, or “profile picture” projects, where individuals collect limited-run generative art pieces—Cool Cats, CryptoKitties, or the Bored Ape Yacht Club (one of which recently sold for $404,000) are among some of the most well-known. Participating in these communities gives you the chance to collect something unique and ties you to a community that shares similar interests. PFP projects can also lend status, and exhibiting your PFP (as an avatar on social media, for instance) signals that you’re part of a community.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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