
paintingpainting rainbow

Techniques for painting a rainbow

Now your rainbow love craft is ready for a wee little leprechaun to claim his gold!

Paint a rainbow sponge painting art

Rainbow sponge painting is so much fun! Toddlers and preschoolers (and big kids too!) will LOVE making their own rainbow art using a sponge of all things! This sponge painting process art can go in many different directions, but what is guaranteed is that little ones will have a ball with this fun painting idea. So what are you waiting for, grab the supplies and invite the kids to paint a rainbow!

Paint a rainbow sponge painting art

We love exploring different painting techniques. Whether that be painting with brushes, painting with objects from around the house or painting with pieces of nature, we just love trying out new ways of painting.

Here are a few more of our favourite painting ideas that you might like to try with your little ones. They are all so much fun!

More fun painting ideas for kids:

  • Water gun painting
  • No mess painting
  • Painting on foil
  • Nature paint brushes

You might also like to check out our list of painting ideas for toddlers.

rainbow sponge painting art

Painting a rainbow with a sponge could create the perfect rainbow, or it could turn into a page of brown paint! The important thing about a process art activity like this rainbow sponge painting is that the final painting isn’t what this activity is about. It is about toddlers and preschoolers enjoying the process of exploring different supplies and the effects they can create.

Some toddlers and preschoolers will get stuck straight in and get covered in paint, others will be more cautious. Both of these reactions are ok!

As rainbow sponge painting uses lots of different coloured paint you will have lots of opportunities to work on colour recognition with younger toddlers and colour mixing with older kids. Learning whilst having fun is the best way of learning!

Below you can see the different directions my 2 year old and 5 year old took this sponge painting art activity. My 2 year old REALLY enjoyed watching my 5 year old create her rainbow too!

Rainbow Sponge Painting Art

rainbow sponge painting

  • Sponges
  • Paint in rainbow colours
  • Paper

Paint a Rainbow Sponge Painting Art

Whilst we have written directions below for this rainbow sponge painting art it is important to let your toddlers and preschoolers explore this process art in their own way. There is no right or wrong way to paint a rainbow. The directions below are just suggestions.

STEP 1: Prepare your supplies

Before inviting your toddler or preschooler to paint a rainbow get all your supplies to hand. You will need paints in all the colours of the rainbow as well as several sponges. I like to use paper plates to pour paint onto, but this is optional.

rainbow painting supplies

What sponge should you use for rainbow sponge painting?

Don’t worry too much about what type of sponge you should use to paint a rainbow, any sponge will work. Maybe experiment with a few different sponges to see which one gives the effect you are most pleased with.

STEP 2: Paint a rainbow

Now you have all your supplies it is time to invite your kids to paint a rainbow. Begin by demonstrating to them how you can add paint in all the colours of the rainbow to a sponge and swipe it across the page to make a rainbow. You will definitely get a few wows! Watching the rainbow appear as your swipe your sponge across the paper is almost magical!

Painting a rainbow activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

You can either add the rainbow coloured paint in lines to a paper plate and then dip a sponge into it (as shown) or you can squeeze lines of the different coloured paint across your sponge (as demonstrated by ‘Hands on as we Grow’). I have found that with younger children dipping their sponge into the paint is easier, but experiment and see what works best for you.

Once the children have seen how you have painted a rainbow using the sponge let them explore different ways of creating their own sponge painting rainbow.

Easy rainbow painting activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

My five year old, ‘Daisy’, wanted to create a full rainbow in the same way as I had demonstrated. She later used a sponge paintbrush to add rain and clouds to her painting.

paint a rainbow

My 2 year old, ‘Ollie’, was so excited to get his hands on the rainbow sponge. He found it a little hard to create a full rainbow so he stamped the sponge on the paper instead of swiping it across.

painting a rainbow

After Daisy had seen Ollie’s rainbow created by stamping the sponge down onto the paper after being dipped in rainbow paint she wanted to give it a go too!

paint a rainbow sponge painting

For this painting we added fingerprint rain!

sponge painting for toddlers and preschoolers.

As you can see, each rainbow sponge painting turns out differently. The way each child uses the sponge will be different, as will the way they mix the colours. Whilst you might end up with a perfect arch shaped rainbow with all the colours in the correct order, thats not what this paint a rainbow activity is about! It is about having fun exploring paint.

Paint a rainbow sponge painting art. A fun rainbow activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

We hope that you and your toddlers and preschoolers enjoy exploring this paint a rainbow sponge painting art. Have fun!

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Painting Rainbows With Q-tips

Q-tips, or cotton swabs, are the perfect paint brush for little ones. They fit well in kids hands and are smooth to paint with. We created these rainbow cards to celebrate spring and St. Patrick’s Day which is just around the corner.

  • Q-tips or cotton swabs – one per color of paint
  • paint – all the colors of the rainbow
  • tape or glue dots
  • plate and newspaper
  • paper sheets or folded cards – white paper is best


1. Set our your paints and get your Q-tips ready.

2. Now it’s time for the painting. There are a few ways to use your Q-tips when painting these rainbows. We used a few different techniques.

All in a line:

Line up 6 Q-tips in a row. Add a piece of tape to the tops of all the Q-tips in a line. I added a second piece of tape to the other end as well, just to keep it secure. Then flip over the taped Q-tips and add 2 more pieces of tape on top of the others to make them really secure, sandwich style.

Dip each Q-tip in a color of paint. You may have to bend/fold each Q-tip toward the color of paint you want so you don’t get a red one in the orange. But if you do, it’s okay. It kind of gives it a fun blurred look.

With your paper ready, start at one side of the paper and press all the tips of the Q-tips on the paper and slide/paint them across. You may have to do it a couple of times for it to show up well on either side.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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