
paintingpainting tree

Tips for painting a tree for beginners

Tips for painting a tree for beginners

WANTING TO paint a tree?

Here are some recommendations before you get started.

What type of paint?

With our natural habitat and wildlife in mind we recommend you use non toxic paints.

There are a range of products online and in-store. Please consult your local hardware store for up to date recommendations and the best advice.

If you are wanting to use the same colour as the original blue tree then our ‘BLUE TREE’ Wattyl colour will make it easy. The original blue colour’s old name is ‘Billie Jean’ (Wattyl Colour).

What are the alternatives?

If you don’t have a suitable tree and still want to be involved, you can get creative.

Spray paint some old branches and place them in a vase/pot. Paint a cushion to use as a ‘talking tree’. Weld a metal sculpture and paint it or maybe frame a photo of someone else’s blue tree.

The options are endless and we appreciate any way you choose to become involved with our project.

What type of tree?

We are very cautious of the natural habitat and wildlife and therefore strongly advise against painting living trees.

We have chosen to paint dead trees in alignment with the story behind the original blue tree , and not as a symbol of those lost.

Can’t Paint a tree?

If our project has touched you but you would rather not paint a tree, you can always donate to helps us spread our message.

Safety when painting

Please ensure all safety measures and precautions are taken when painting.

We recommend only painting trees from ground level to reduce any risk of injury. If you use a ladder- please have one person for stabilisation and supervision of safety (spotter). We recommend using a paint roller stick extension to reach higher trees whilst feet remain on ground level.

If you plan on painting a large tree (above ground level) please consult a professional to ensure all equipment and machinery involved is being used correctly.

We advise against painting trees close to roads or on roadsides.

We believe very strongly in safe practices and do not urge individuals to paint trees if unsafe in any way.

If the tree is on council or shire property you will need to request permission for a permit or written consent before painting. Use this letter to contact your local council.

If the tree is on private land (that is not yours) you will need permission from the land owner before painting.

Please do not paint trees in national or protected reserve parks.

Wednesday Watercolor: Tree Techniques

painting watercolor trees, beginners techniques, debiriley.com

A simple, free household utensil may help watercolor beginners achieve lovely fine detailing of trees and branches. The humble skewer. Besides my hands and fingers, the skewer is one of the most useful painting tools I’ve found!

painting watercolor trees, beginners techniques, debiriley.com

Watercolor Techniques: Trees in the Landscapes

Painting trees and landscapes in watercolors can be done in a multitude of techniques. This time, I’m featuring a little known ‘secret’ technique I love to use.

In all of the examples shown, I’ve simply used the skewer to draw gently, into the wet sloppy watercolor tree foliage wash – creating the very fine curved random branching shapes.

fun and easy, Watercolor landscape and tree Technique, debiriley.com

This watercolor landscape painting technique for trees is extremely fun to just play and practice. It is easy to get carried away… line up a multitude of pieces of paper, like I do, so that you don’t spoil them!

painting watercolor tree techniques, debiriley.com

Beginners Easy Watercolor Trees, The Process:

#1 Lay a wash of any green foliage color down on the dry paper, then gently draw the tree trunk and branch shapes.

#2 Take care not to ‘dig’ or to be rough. Just ….let the very tip guide the paint along….

#3 Make sure trees and branches aren’t too Rigid, too straight, too evenly spaced apart.

#4 In the forest, tree shapes are random. Chaotic. Curving and gnarled, bent, and twisted. Some lean to the right, some to the left. Try, not to have ‘straight lines.’

That is, Generally speaking, unless we happen to be in a tall fir forest…..

watercolor fir trees, techniques tips for beginners, debiriley.com

If, you’d like to see more watercolor trees and read about foliage greens, plus learn a bit about depth in the landscape, click on those links.

I have a section devoted to watercolour tips here, and a wonderful Pinterest collection of Watercolour Landscapes from some amazing artists I’m sure you’ll find appealing.

Also, if you are looking in my website for specific things (watercolour paper, brushes, acrylics, Trees, prussian blue, …etc.) just go to my ‘search’ button to look.

IF, its not there, why don’t you ask me to address it in a post!?

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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