

YouTube channels for beginner acrylic painters

Subscribers | 342K Subscribers
Check Out Their YouTube Channel | https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UCFwphCi0VCIgB2Z_wxq5ntg
Skim Through Their Insta Feed | https://www.instagram.com/art_aftab_/

The 15 Best YouTube Drawing Channels to Get Inspiration From

It’s an undeniable fact that YouTube has become one of the major hubs for creative professionals to share their talents with a global audience – and artists are no exception. Many painters and illustrators use YouTube as a powerful platform for exposing their work to the world as well as promoting their online and offline teaching. Quite a few of them even share tutorials and tips on their channels for free.

So, if you’ve always wanted to learn how to draw or paint, free online tuition is a great place to start. YouTube painting lessons provide you with a free and accessible way of mastering this art without having to leave home – perfect for those who don’t have time for offline classes, or those who are unsure whether they want to commit to this activity.

We’ve picked some of the top drawing and painting channels to inspire you – watch, repeat and enjoy!

Top Painting Channels to Watch and Learn From

Best Channels for Beginners

Paint Basket

This channel is run by father and son Dennis and Nolan Clark. They guide you through the steps involved in sketching, pencil drawing, watercolor painting, acrylics and much more. Start by learning how to mix colours correctly – they offer plenty of theory to back up the fundamentals.

Paint Academy

If you’re just starting your journey to creating art and are not sure yet which techniques to choose, the Paint Academy channel is the one to turn to. Each week, they provide 4 step-by-step tutorials in watercolour, acrylic, pastel and ink & pencil drawing, one for each technique. Great for both beginners and artists seeking to improve their technique or learn a new one.

Best Channels for Advanced Artists

Andrew Tischler

Andrew has been creating art for over 14 years and now specializes in realism. Be prepared to watch long, thorough explanations – as detailed as the results of your effort are expected to turn out.

James Gurney

James Gurney is a professional painter and illustrator of the well-known illustrated book series Dinotopia. In his work, Gurney uses oil paints, gouache and watercolor. A typical tutorial on the channel lasts less than 10 minutes, so don’t expect too much detail. Even in these short clips, he shares plenty of tricks you can easily apply if you already have some basic skills in how to paint.

Best Pen & Pencil Drawing Channels

Repaper by iskn

On this channel, you’ll discover the world of the only pen & paper graphic tablet, Repaper.

Here you’ll find inspiring content created by Repaper users, as well as tutorials on how to use this extraordinary graphic tablet.
You’ll also be able to view the brand’s official trailers, which showcase all the possible use cases that Repaper enables.

So don’t wait any longer to visit this entertaining and inspiring channel!

Kirsty Partridge Art

Almost a million followers can’t be wrong! Indeed, this UK-based artist provides great insight into drawing with pencils – including color pencils. Check out her do’s and don’t’s lessons and learn how to fix common errors – and avoid them in the future!

Alphonso Dunn

Alphonso call himself an art instructor, and we have to admit that teaching is something he’s genuinely good at. If you want to learn realistic pencil drawing techniques and are willing to sit through really comprehensive explanations, explore this channel to its fullest. For example, have a look at this 1 Minute Art Tips series video on understanding muscle start and end points.

Best Watercolour Painting Channels


This channel belongs to Hieu Nguyen, an aspiring artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Hieu’s friendly personality shines through in his stylized watercolor tutorials – he makes them fun and enjoyable to watch. And, most importantly – you’ll find them really easy to follow, and the result will be worth every minute you’ve spent on them.

Maria Raczynska

Beautiful landscapes, spirited animals, tricky shadows, realistic still life objects – everything that looks so difficult to paint is broken down into easy step-by-step tutorials – that’s what this channel is all about. Maria Raczynska is an inspiring self-taught artist based in Los Angeles. In addition to her free tutorials, she offers paid classes in her online painting school.

Best Oil Painting Channels

Lena Danya

If you appreciate artists bringing their own personality into their art blogs, you’ll definitely like Lena’s channel. Not only does she give a thorough understanding of how to work with oil, but she also shares hypnotizing time-lapse videos of her painting, art talks and diary-style series documenting her life.


As you can tell from the channel name, Kevin Hill specialises on oil painting – with a focus on landscapes. Take a look at his videos explaining the basics first, then switch to his “Paint with Kevin” tutorials and follow the instructions. If you want more information, Kevin’s website is also there to help.

Starting Your Own Painting Channel

If you’re thinking of starting your own art channel, we’re here to help! First of all, we offer a special discount for all our blog readers: 20% off Movavi Video Editor+Movavi Effects Store bundle. The bundle includes an unlimited subscription for all Movavi Effect Packs for a year – so much to experiment with!

Enjoy our special discount for all blog readers!

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Promocode: EFFECT

Speaking of effects, we’ve recently released a themed effects pack designed especially for artists. Meet the Brush and Paint pack – a creative set that includes:

  • 15 titles
  • 6 stickers
  • 4 backgrounds
  • 4 transitions

Take a look at this video and see for yourself how useful this pack will be for your art tutorials!

1. Jay Lee Painting

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Jay Lee calls himself a cotton swab artist and his videos are a great tutorial guide for all those of you who have a passion for art. His videos are mostly based on the usage of acrylic or watercolours, and they provide an easy guide on how to use everyday items lying around the house to make creative art. If you want to try something quirky, this channel is for you!

Subscribers | 2.4 Million Subscribers
Check Out Their YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHm9SiOLG8UoBT8STWY5mVA
Skim Through Their Insta Feed | https://www.instagram.com/jayartpainting/

2. Kevin Oil Painting

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Oil Painting is one of the most preferred forms of painting and a lot of popular paintings that we know of have been painted using this technique. Kevin Oil Painting is a great channel on YouTube for those of you who want to learn and master different techniques in this style of painting. This style is often regarded as intimidating because of the lack of understanding and his tutorials make it easy!

Subscribers | 692K Subscribers
Check Out Their YouTube Channel | https://www.YouTube.com/user/KevinOilPainting
Skim Through Their Insta Feed | https://www.instagram.com/paintwithkevin/

3. The Art Sherpa

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For everyone who loves to paint the canvas with their emotions will understand the beauty of acrylic paints. The Art Sherpa helps you discover all the easy tips and tricks that you can learn to make your gorgeous piece a perfection and portray your reflection of art in the most beautiful way possible.

Subscribers | 642K Subscribers
Check Out Their YouTube Channel | https://www.YouTube.com/user/HoneyBmama
Skim Through Their Insta Feed | https://www.instagram.com/theartsherpa/

How to Start a Craft Youtube Channel in 2023: My Top 12 Tips

Create Channel

Creating a craft youtube channel can be an incredibly rewarding and fun experience. Whether you’re a crafter looking to make money, or just need to share your amazing work with the community, youtube is a great place to start!

Some people also enjoy the creative process of making videos and sharing their ideas with others, building a brand, and sharing their passion with the world. Whatever your reason may be, it’s important to know how to start a craft Youtube channel in order to be successful.

This guide will cover all the basics of starting a craft YouTube channel and more information that needed to keep to when starting a craft Youtube channel.

What is a YouTube channel and how it works?

A YouTube channel is a personal space on Youtube where a person can upload a collection of videos. These videos can be grouped together by any category that they have in common.

YouTube channels are an excellent way to promote your brand, connect with customers, and generate more revenue. It provides a platform for people to share their opinions and thoughts with others who may be interested in what they have to say.

YouTube channels help you to connect with your audience and build trust with them over time. This will allow you to offer them products, courses, or recommend affiliate products in the future. You can also make money from your YouTube channel by running ads on your videos, getting sponsors that pay you to advertise their products on your channel, or by allowing people to send monetary contributions as a way of saying “Thanks for your great content”!

12 Best Top Tips for starting your own Crafting Channel!

Here’s a video to help you understand how to easily start a crafting Youtube Channel:

Tip #1: Decide what kind of Craft content you want to post on your channel. Pick Something That You Love Doing!

Do you have a particular niche? Or are you just creating content for fun? Think about the kind of content that you’d like to share on your channel and what you want your viewers to get from your videos.

You want to create videos that are about a similar topic rather than create just a bunch of videos on random subjects. I suggest you pick something that you absolutely love doing so you don’t run out of ideas about what to share!

Tip #2: Create a Great Name for Your Channel

There are millions of videos on Youtube so you need to create a great name for your video so your channel stands out from the crowd. Think about what you want your channel to be called and whether you want to include your name or not.

Remember to make it catchy and memorable, but not difficult to remember or difficult to spell! Also, keep in mind to NOT pick a name that is so niche specific that you won’t be able to expand the content of your Youtube channel in the future or that it limits you on the content that you can share.

Tip #3: Start Filming With What You Have. Invest in good quality equipment Later

If you plan on making a lot of videos then it’s important to invest in a good camera and editing software. However, when you are first starting out, I recommend to just start filming with whatever you have on hand or just get some basic stuff.

An iPhone, natural sunlight, and a sturdy phone stand is all you need. You can even edit your videos using the iMovie app already found in your iPhone. If you need extra lighting, you can grab this Neewer Ring Light Kit or this Diva Ring Light.

Once your channel starts growing, then you can think about investing in better equipment like this Sony ZV-1 Digital Camera for Content Creators and this Rode VideoMicro Compact On-Camera Microphone to improve the quality of your videos and make it easier to create great video content. Just don’t overspend on unnecessary fancy equipment!

Here’s another article you might like about how to record top-down digital art videos for your new Youtube channel:

Tip #4: Get Organized

Before you start filming make sure you spend some time planning the videos that you want to make. This will make it much easier to create a regular schedule of videos for your channel. It will also help you avoid running out of ideas and keep your channel running smoothly.

Tip #5: Start Filming

Now it’s time to start filming! Make sure that you plan your time so that you can film all of the videos that are in your weekly schedule. It’s also a good idea to set up the camera and other equipment before you start filming. This will ensure that you are ready to start filming as soon as the recording starts.

Tip #6: Edit Your Videos

Once you’ve finished filming it’s time to edit your videos. There are lots of different editing tools available to choose from. It’s a good idea to try out a few different tools to see what works best for you. If you are not sure where to start, here are a few affordable video editing software options that you can try.

It’s also important to include a strong call-to-action at the end of each video to encourage your viewers to take action and share your videos with their friends, watch another one of your Youtube videos, or subscribe to your channel.

Tip #7: Create an Intriguing Thumbnail That Triggers Curiosity

Spend time to create an intriguing thumbnail that will make the viewers want to click on your video. If your video is awesome but your thumbnail looks boring, nobody is going to click on your video, no matter how great your video is!

So if you don’t want to be wasting your time creating videos that nobody is going to watch, then invest your time in creating a thumbnail that triggers curiosity. I love using Canva to create my thumbnails!

Tip #8: Promote Your Channel

Once your videos are live you need to share them with your audience! You can promote your channel by sharing it on social media and inviting your friends to watch your videos. You can also run contests and promotions to get people excited about your channel.

Tip #9: Post Consistently

You need to post content consistently on your channel to encourage the Youtube algorithm to show your content to their audience. Posting once a week is good enough for beginners to start growing their channel. This will allow you to have a consistent schedule but also avoid burning out. But if you can post twice a week, go for it!

Just make sure you pick a specific day and time when you will post your videos and stick with it.

Tip #10: Monitor and Analyze Your Video Content

It’s important to monitor your channel so that you can identify new trends and make changes as needed. Look for ways that you can improve the effectiveness of your channel and make sure that it’s meeting your objectives. This will help you get the most out of your channel and make it more successful over the long term.

Use tools such as TubeBuddy or VidIQ to test different titles and thumbnails to see what makes viewers click on your videos the most, and to research low competition keywords for your videos to allow you to rank on Youtube a little easier.

Tip #11: Grow Your Audience

As your channel grows it’s important to look for ways of attracting new viewers. You can do this by promoting your channel on social media sites and running contests and promotions. It may also be useful to consider sponsored content from time to time. By working with brands you can gain exposure to a wider audience and grow your audience in the process.

Tip #12: Build Relationships with Other YouTubers

It’s a good idea to connect with other YouTube creators and establish relationships with them. This can help you connect with a wider audience and gain a greater level of exposure for your channel. Try collaborating with other YouTubers on your next video and consider offering to share your subscribers with other YouTubers. This will allow you to expand the reach of your channel and give it more exposure.

Finally, it’s a good idea to set yourself goals for your YouTube channel so you can measure your success over time.

These may include increasing the number of subscribers you have, getting a certain number of views per video or increasing your ad revenue. Think about the metrics that matter most to you and focus on achieving these on a regular basis. This will ensure that you’re always making progress with your channel and that you’re continually optimizing your content.

More helpful videos to help guide you in your dream craft youtube channel:

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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