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YouTube videos for learning oil painting techniques

Time Management Getting Organised for Peak Performance

Why are there so many different organisational systems and time management methods out there? The answer is simple: it’s like any other personal challenge, like weight loss or money management. There is no simple, one size fits all answer. You must build a solution that works for you.

Diane Shawe is a speaker, trainer, mentor, consultant, entrepreneur and author with 16 published titles on Google Play and Amazon. With more than 25 years of experience. She has personally trained over 3800 people around the world in a variety of fields and has published a number of works. She has contributed to over 100 Kiva Entrepreneur’s around the world.

She was also one of the producers of a Day time Ladies Talk Show in 2015 and Host of one of the UK’s best loved Annual Hair Extensions Awards.

Diane also enjoys oil painting, sailing and clay pigeon shooting. She focuses on topics that she is passionate about in her writing and has attracted over 25,000 followers on her popular blog.

Diane Shawe Social media links www.phollome/dianeshawe

15 Must Read books for Entrepreneurs

Need help getting organised? Want to learn how to take a business into a global marketplace? Looking for ways to improve leadership skills? Then check out The Little Coffee Break Mindfeed eBooks from IQ 2 EQ by Diane Shawe. This collection of eBooks exposes readers to new ideas and proven strategies, and each can be completed on a lunch break, over breakfast, or while enjoying a cup of coffee.

According to author Diane Shawe, “The idea for the short, powerful eBooks came to my mind when I realised how often people need to brush up on topics, but do not always have time to sit down to read 200 pages. As a result, I have authored several short yet effective eBooks that get right to the point with tips and advice.”

Readers from all across the globe have praised Diane for her eBooks, and the opportunity it gives them to learning new information or refreshing their memory quickly. And with topics ranging from stress management and problem solving, to public relations and networking, there is truly something for everyone.

“I like the book,” said Amazon reader Candoar after finishing How to Become an Ace Networker for Your Business Mindfeed 23. “This book is no fluff stuff on the basics of networking.”

There is no excuse not to learn new skills or to increase the understanding about topics that could help an individual in his personal and professional life. All it takes is a few minutes during a meal or while on a break.

Retirement : A New Adventure

Retirement, A New Adventure is full of ideas to have an active, fun and enriching life in retirement. The thesis of the book is that life in retirement involves much more than just ensuring financial security. Retirement opens up opportunities for doing new things and learning new things, exploring new places and meeting new people, discovering hidden talents and showcasing them, and, experimenting with new tools and technologies to reconnect with the past and connect to the future. Retirement affords time to fulfil long-held dreams and aspirations on the journey to self-actualization. What sets this book apart is the stories it provides from real life experiences of the author and others; stories ranging from silly to serious, revealing how enjoyable and satisfying life in retirement can be.

Retirement: A New Adventure
Patricia Reid-Waugh
Недоступно для просмотра – 2016

Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения

Patricia Reid-Waugh spent her early working life as a teacher of mathematics before returning to university to complete a master’s degree in accounting. She then pursued an extensive professional accountancy career with Deloitte firms in Jamaica and St. Maarten and later served as regulator of the financial services for the island of Nevis, West Indies. She retired from the working world in 2011.

Patricia’s multicultural exposure is complimented by her broad creative and social pursuits, a great sense of humor, and a passion for life. She plays the piano and organ and writes poetry and short stories for entertainment at community and family events.

Since retirement, Patricia has taken up the challenge of learning to play the violin, determined to dispel the myth that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Now she has ventured into the world of literary publication with this, her first book.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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