

Pictorial steps for drawing a bus

We’re on the brink of another bustling school year! What better way to get into the back-to-school spirit than by tapping into our creative sides? That’s right, it’s time to whip out those art supplies because today, we’re learning how to draw a school bus!

How to Draw Bus Step by Step Guide

Buses are a popular and unique form of transportation that can be found in cities and towns around the world. Drawing a bus can be a fun and rewarding activity for artists of all skill levels. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of drawing a bus from start to finish.

To start drawing a bus, you will need the following materials:

-Unlined paper
-Ruler (optional)

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shapes

Begin by drawing a rectangular shape for the body of the bus. Then, sketch a smaller rectangle on top of the larger one for the passenger area.

Draw two large circles at the bottom of the rectangular shape for the wheels of the bus. Make sure they are aligned with each other.

Step 3: Draw the Windows

Add windows on both sides of the rectangular shape. Make sure they are uniform in size and aligned with each other.

Sketch details such as the door, rearview mirrors, headlights, and windshield wipers to the bus.

Bring On the Yellow School Buses

School buses are pretty iconic, aren’t they? Their long yellow body, black stripe, and row of windows are something we all recognize. This step-by-step tutorial is here to guide you and your little artists through each step, making it a breeze to create your own school bus masterpiece.

And hey, while we’re at it, those preschoolers are younger artists subtly learning about different forms of transportation. Fun and educational? Now that’s a win-win!

If your kids are riding the school bus this fall or not, they’re definitely going to be seeing them. So let’s get them ready. While they’re drawing, you could even go over the bus safety rules. Teach them all about crossing safely and watching for cars. Heaven knows not enough people pay attention to the school bus rules!

Check Out These Other School Bus Fun!

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how to draw a school bus easy

School Bus Drawing Easy

Learning to draw certain characters is always a lot of fun for drawers of any age. We love breaking down each of the drawings into simple steps. It’s an easy way for kids of any age to follow along and create their own fun school bus drawing.

We’ve also created an easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions that are free to print at the bottom of the blog post. I also think having the printable drawing guide helps in making the easy drawings come to life.

If you love drawing tutorials as much as we do, then you will not want to miss some of our other fun drawing lessons.

  • Butterfly Drawing
  • How To Draw a Rose
  • A Drawing of a Rainbow
  • Earth Drawing
  • Snowman Drawing

Before you start drawing, we also want to make sure you have the right tools. Here are the drawing paper, and drawing pencils that we like to use.

Now how to draw a simple school bus step by step!!

school bus easy drawing

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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