

Techniques for drawing a winter wonderland scene

My steps:
I drew a few simple tree shapes. Then I painted the sky and ground around them. On a whim, I salted the sky section to give it that frosted look. (If you’ve never used salt before it is a cool technique. Salt your painting when it is still wet. The salt absorbs some of the paint. Wait until it is completely dry and then brush off the salt.) I was happy with the effect. It reminds me of frost on a window. I added white to the trees and a few splatters of white for snow.

Winter Wonderland Walk Watercolours

Winter Walk

This is a wonderful time of the year to sketch and paint trees in the landscape, observing the delicate silhouettes of winter branches against a snowy back drop. This Winter wonderland workshop will explore lots of watercolour techniques for different changing moody skies, treatment of trees and beautiful snow scenes.

A bit more detail
Join friendly and experienced Cheshire watercolour artist Allie. She will share her skills and give you guidance throughout your day, in the light and spacious studio space. All dates are suitable for complete beginners to intermediates. Includes art materials, a freshly homemade lunch and refreshments.

About the Tutor

Allie graduated with a BA hons degree in illustration and spent time pursuing her love of art in London. Allie says the “Drawing, painting and sketching is all about enjoying your topic”. Allie loves to paint in a garden or whilst on a dog walk – capturing the natural changing of the seasons whether it is summer with its delicate florals, insects fluttering around them, or sitting on a snowy hillside working on a landscape view.

Allie has had her work featured in many exhibitions including Young Illustrator of the year exhibition at Smiths Gallery, Covent Garden, The Association of Illustrators Gallery in London, The Arts Centre in Bollington, Cheshire. She has also exhibited paintings at ‘Summerfields’ in Oxford and at the Royal Collage of London in aid of the Art for Youth.

Timetable of the day

09:45 A warm welcome to @:Toolerstone with refreshments
10:00 Introduction and demonstration of sketching trees in the landscape, drawing inspiration from the gardens
10:30 Allie will share watercolour techniques and her process for painting her Autumn walk scene, you will have time to practise, explore and have fun with what you have learnt

11:15 Coffee will be served
11:30 Continue with the workshop at your own pace, sketch out your masterpiece and lay your first colour washes, Allie is on hand for guidance

13:00 Delicious homemade, lunch in the refectory
14:00 Creating the body of the work. Demonstration of how to include figures in your landscape picture
15.00 Putting the finishing touches to your work
16.15 The workshop ends but your love of painting will continue

What is included?
All materials & tools
Aprons are provided for the day if required
Refreshments & a delicious lunch
Free onsite car parking
The most important bit, your very own piece of art to take home

What do I need to bring?
You can bring your favourite brushes if you wish.

Experience level
We welcome all levels of experience from beginners to the enthusiastic professional.

Winter Wonderland Workshop- Online Art Workshops

It’s Christmas and I’ll be celebrating with you in the studio. You can join the Live session on 15th December at 19.30 – 20.30 UK time or you can access as a recording at a time and pace that suit you. The Live video and recording is hosted in a dedicated Facebook Group or you can access the recording in other formats, you prefer.

learn more about the workshops here. You don’t have to use sanded papers but they make a huge difference to the vibrancy of your artwork when used with good quality pigments like Unison Colour.

When you buy the workshop, I will invite you to the Facebook Group via a link in the website receipt. If you are accessing it Live, the Facebook opens the day before the workshop. If it’s as a recording, the Facebook Group has the recorded video, bespoke colour chart and all the reference materials within the Facebook Group for you to access listed under “Announcements” within the Facebook Group.

9 reviews for Winter Wonderland Workshop- Online Art Workshops

Rated 5 out of 5
Elizabeth Stephensen-Payne – December 16, 2022

An excellent workshop with some really good tips on the underlying sketch, perspective, painting buildings and people. Nina is able to teach in a way that is accessible to all levels of experience. Her feedback is encouraging and helpful. Note with all her workshops she sends out links and info that are really helpful to new students and reminders to the more experienced

Rated 5 out of 5
Tony Plaskett – December 16, 2022

Another excellent guided workshop in the Autumn on line series. Top tips on preparation, materials and techniques. Step by step guide from drawing out to base layers, using alcohol (NO, not drinking) and creating detail and depth. I have completed all of Nina’s on line series and feel much more confident in using pastels. You can also draw along, if you’re confident and fast enough or watch and then follow at your own leisure. Also, each session is easily applied to your own scenes. The on line community is also a supportive and friendly world wide group.

Rated 5 out of 5
Amanda Harvey – December 16, 2022

Wonderful workshop. So lively, fun and full of great hints and tips, as well as Nina’s fantastic tuition, and our brilliant group’s input. The winter wonderland subject was delightful.

Rated 5 out of 5
Wendy Gibson – December 16, 2022

Great workshop along with many previous ones taken. Nina has been an inspirational tutor.she is friendly and approachable also giving great advice for everyone from complete beginners to more experienced pastellists. From Sending out a list of colours and suggested supports beforehand to teaching you to keep the initial drawings simple and also tips on composition and how to take better photos for you to use. Her enthusiasm and joy in her art shines through. The workshops are also brilliant at helping you develop your own style .

Rated 5 out of 5
Judith Avenell – December 16, 2022

Nina’s workshops are wonderful, full of Top Pasteling Tips and inspiration to lead you to create your own work.
Great to watch Nina work on a painting to see how it is built up from the beginning. The comments from the members read out by Russ really help to make it feel like a friendly group, not just an on-line art course. I always feel very welcome. With many thanks to Nina for her artistic skill and Russ for all the techy stuff.

Rated 5 out of 5
Maria Memoli – December 17, 2022

Another fabulous workshop. Nina’s tuition is excellent giving those little tips along the way. She explains her methods in such a simple way with some superb results. I have learnt so much from her. She is an inspiration. Her workshops are ideal from beginners to advanced that allows you to develop your own style which she encourages

Rated 5 out of 5
Jean Curbishley – December 17, 2022

What can l say that hasn’t been said,from my first workshop.l learnt without realising this.The vibrant colours,the choices,using the pastels to create fantastic scenes,wonderful.Anyone thinking about joining a course,don’t think just do it,you will gain hours of pleasure and a lifelong skill.

Rated 5 out of 5
Stephen Burke – December 17, 2022

It is a pleasure and a privilege to participate in Nina’s Lessons. Her tips on drawing, underpainting, atmosphere, perspective, color, values, blending have been so useful in every painting that I do. When I watch her videos, I feel like we are sitting right in my studio painting together. Her smiles, her sense of humor, her encouragement, and inspiration have wanted me to come back for more and more. We artists from around the world are painting together and sharing so many wonderful moments thanks to Nina. Nina brightens my day and adds beauty to my soul!

Rated 5 out of 5
Lindsey Mell – December 18, 2022

Great workshop by Nina. A real special Christmas special. This was so much fun to do, great tips and advice from Nina and great interactions from all the amazing people in this group. It is an honour and a pleasure to be part of this group and would recommend it and the workshops to anyone with an interest in pastels and/or a wish to learn more. Roll on 2023 and the Spring Term.

latebloomerbuds says:

This is how I found you! I googled winter watercolor scenes. Just love how you created this, and again, how you showed the steps. I am going to try this for my “winter wonderland” scene for my blog, Artfully Ours. Thanks for the inspiration! I am following your blog, so I will get new posts in my Feedly. (:

mycreativeresolution2014 says:

I’m glad you like this one! Coincidentally I started another Winter scene over the weekend. I haven’t checked it since I left the paint (with the salt sprinkled on top) to dry. I’ll keep you posted on how it comes out!

latebloomerbuds says:

Yay, that would be great Eileen!

Pingback: Winter | my creative resolution

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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