

Acrylic painting on cloth material

The internet tells me there are two other ways to turn acrylic paint into fabric paint with materials you might have at home. Let me preface this by saying, I really love to only give you tips and tricks that I know work and I have not tried either of these methods, so proceed at your own risk!

Acrylic Paint on Fabric Tutorial – Step-by-Step Instructions

can you use acrylic paint on fabric

U sing acrylic paint on fabric is an easy option for crafting and refurbishing old or outdated clothing. However, not all acrylic paints are fabric-friendly, meaning they may damage your fabrics or not hold properly to the material if you do not use the correct paint and tools. In this article, we are going to cover all the tips on using acrylic paint on fabric and how to get the best results.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Fabric?
    • 1.1 Using An Acrylic Fabric Medium
      • 1.1.1 Tips For Using Acrylic On Fabric With A Medium
      • 1.2.1 Tips For Using Acrylic Paint On Fabric Without Medium
      • 4.1 Can Acrylic Paint Be Used On Fabric?
      • 4.2 How To Use Acrylic Painting On Clothes?
      • 4.3 Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Fabric Without Medium?

      Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Fabric?

      Acrylics are a wonderfully versatile medium that can be used on most surfaces, but a common question is: can you use acrylic paint on fabric? As we know, canvas is a common option when painting with acrylics and these are made from material. This implies that acrylics would work well on other fabrics too.

      Some items you could include in your painting projects would be shoes or pillowcases. You may then be brave enough to try acrylic painting on clothes. When using your acrylics for fabric there are a few things you will need to remember, it is not as simple as just applying paint.

      using acrylic paint on fabric

      Using An Acrylic Fabric Medium

      When working with acrylic on fabric, one will ideally need a fabric medium to work with, this essentially turns your acrylics into fabric paint. Using this medium ensures that your paints will hold well to the fabrics and will not wash out or fade after use. A fabric medium also adds a softer feel to the acrylics, so that your materials will not stiffen when dry.

      Another benefit to using these mediums is that they can alter the consistency of your acrylics without the worry of running or bleeding through your materials. A fabric medium also allows one to explore different blending techniques or even watercolor effects. This opens up a whole array of exciting creative projects one can use acrylic paint on fabric for.

      Using an acrylic fabric medium also allows for more creative use of techniques and tools. You could add stencils or use household objects to gain different textures on your fabrics. The best thing about painting on fabrics with acrylics is that they come in a wider range of color options to choose from than most fabric-specific paints.

      Tips For Using Acrylic On Fabric With A Medium

      If you would like to use a fabric medium with your acrylics, then here are some great tips to check out.

      • Before starting you may want to place a protective layer over the surface you will be working on. This could be some newspaper, a thick board, or even an old sheet. This will prevent your fabrics from sticking to the surface while you are painting.
      • Always pre-wash the item you plan on painting. This not only removes dirt and dust but will also prevent shrinkage when washed in the future. Leave your item to dry fully before starting with any paint.
      • Once your item is dry, you may want to stretch it out using some board or other household item. This step would be useful when using acrylic paint on clothing and will make it easier to paint the area. keep it stretched until you are done with your painting.
      • Make sure the fabric you have chosen can handle acrylic paints. These fabrics would include cotton, silk, cotton blends, wool, terry cloth, felt, velvet, flannel, suede, corduroy, leather, and most other synthetic material and blends.
      • Now you can add your fabric medium to the acrylics and mix them until you are happy with the consistency.
      • Always test your paint on a small area or separate piece of fabric to see how it reacts.
      • Once you are done, leave the artwork for a day or so to dry completely.

      acrylic paint on fabric without medium

      Using Acrylic Paint On Fabric Without Medium

      There is the option to use your acrylic paints on fabric without the use of a medium. This will however not produce the same results. The benefit of using a fabric medium is that they allow your fabrics to retain their soft feel and flexibility. If you apply acrylics directly onto fabrics, they often produce a stiff feel, and they will be washed off when you do laundry. The other risk you take on when just using the acrylics alone is that even if you do not wash the fabrics, the paint may crack or peel off easily as there is nothing to bind it to your fabric fibers.

      Whether you are painting a pair of shoes or a decorative cushion, a fabric medium will certainly extend the durability and longevity of your fabric projects. If you are planning on doing more of a wall hanging or even a tapestry, then you may be more inclined to not use a medium as there is no wear and tear. Just keep in mind that sunlight, dust, and other elements could have a damaging effect on these too.

      Tips For Using Acrylic Paint On Fabric Without Medium

      If you have opted not to use a fabric medium with your acrylics, then here are some handy tips to ensure you still get the most out of your fabric projects.

      • Instead of washing the fabric first, you are going to sand it. Using a small piece of sandpaper lightly go over your fabric to remove any loose bits or dust pieces.
      • Now using a spray bottle you are going to lightly wet the fabric. Make sure to not saturate any areas and to make an even application over the entire piece you are painting. the moisture in the fabric will allow your acrylics to better adhere and be absorbed once dry.
      • Now you can start painting. it is easier if you add some water to the acrylics and thin them before applying. This will make them more workable and hopefully, your final product will not be so stiff when it dries.

      acrylic painting on clothes

      After Care Tips When Using Acrylic Paints On Fabric

      No matter if you have used a fabric medium or not, there are still some great after-care tips you can use to extend the longevity of your fabric art.

      • If you have used a fabric medium, then you should be able to wash your painted clothing and fabrics as normal.
      • If you have not used one, then you should not get your fabrics very wet. Ideally, spot cleaning is best for these fabrics so as not to ruin or wash away your paints.
      • Try not to wash your items too often as with every cycle you may run the risk of fading. That being said, a cold wash cycle is best when washing painted fabric items.
      • After painting your fabrics you should ideally wait around four days before attempting another wash.
      • If you are hesitant to use the washing machine even on a cold cycle, then handwashing is a great option just be sure to only use cold water.
      • Ironing on your fabrics is also doable, as long as you are using a low heat.

      How To Use Acrylic On Fabric

      Now for the fun part! Here we will discuss how to use your acrylic paint on fabrics as well as some fun ideas to try.

      • Always lightly and evenly wet the fabric you are using to ensure the best possible coverage and absorbency.
      • An acrylic fabric medium or flow additive will increase the flexibility and workability of your paints.
      • Using tight woven fabrics like silk or cotton will produce the richest colors and durability.
      • A hot wax can be used for any hard edges on your fabrics. This can later be removed by dry cleaning.
      • Try using different cake nozzles on your acrylic paints for fun and interesting designs. These can be used to create thinner or thicker lines and textures.
      • If you are drawn to watercolor effects then try using more water or fabric medium with your paints to thin them out.
      • Using lighter fabrics will aid your paint in spreading and you can then move them around or create various effects.
      • Applying thin layers can create different textures without changing your colors. This will only work if you allow each layer to fully dry in between.

      acrylic on fabric

      What is fabric paint?

      Fabric paint is a type of acrylic paint that is specifically formulated for use on fabric. It has more flexibility than other kinds of paint so the fabric won’t feel stiff after it’s painted. And it’s formulated to allow the fabric to be washed and worn.

      Fabric paint is most often used to color small to medium size areas of color. If you wanted to color larger areas or an entire piece of fabric, fabric dye may be the more appropriate choice.

      Why should I turn acrylic paint into fabric paint?

      • Acrylic craft paint is often cheaper than fabric paint.
      • Acrylic paint comes in more colors than fabric paint so you have more options.
      • You may already have lots of acrylic paint at home.
      • Why not? It’s fun to experiment!

      Tips and Tricks for Painting Fabric

      • Wash and dry your fabric the same way you will when you use it before you start.
      • Do not use fabric softener.
      • Iron your fabric for a super smooth, wrinkle-free painting surface.
      • Protect your work surface as paint may bleed through.
      • If you are painting something with more than one layer like a T-shirt, put something between the layers (tinfoil, freezer paper, cardboard etc. ) to keep the paint from bleeding through.
      • Sketch designs with a disappearing ink fabric pen before you start painting.
      • Wear a smock or painting clothes that you don’t care about.
      • If you are mixing colors, mix up more than you think you will need so you don’t run out.
      • When the paint is dry, set the fabric paint according to the instructions on the products you’ve used.

      How To Turn Acrylic Paint into Fabric Paint

      The easiest way to turn acrylic paint into fabric paint is by adding fabric medium or textile medium.

      What is textile medium?

      Textile medium is a liquid that you mix with acrylic paint that allows the paint to be thinner, more soft and flexible and permanent on fabrics. Nowadays a lot of acrylic paint companies make their own textile or fabric medium to add to their paints. I have tried the Delta version and the Liquitex and they’re great, but FolkArt and other companies make it now too!

      How to mix acrylic paint and textile medium

      Follow the directions on your textile or fabric medium but in most cases, you simply mix equal parts of your acrylic craft paint and the fabric medium. Stir well and that’s it! This honestly could not possibly be easier.

      I like to mix my acrylic paint and fabric medium together in a small container with a lid like a baby food jar. That way, I can save the fabric paint for later in case I want to use it for another project or if my fabric paint dries and I need to add another coat or touch up any areas. This tip is particularly helpful if you have mixed a custom color.

      If your new fabric paint still seems a little thick, you can add a bit more fabric medium. Or because both of these products are water based, you can a tiny bit of water to thin the fabric paint.

      Then apply paint to your clean, dry, ironed fabric (don’t forget that step that we discussed in the tips & tricks section) with a brush, a q-tip, a foam brush or any other regular painting tool that you like.

      A hand painting a blue stripe of the rainbow on a white tshirt

      How long does fabric paint take to dry?

      Fabric paint dries fairly quickly, only a little slower than regular acrylic craft paint. HOWEVER, most textile mediums will have a certain amount of time that they recommend letting your project sit before you set it and/or wash it, to allow the paint to fully cure. Make sure to read the label of the product you use for those instructions.

      How do you set fabric paint?

      Follow the directions for dry time and setting on the textile medium that you use. Most often this involves letting the paint sit for a while (often 48-72 hours) and then “setting” the paint with a dry iron, being sure to cover the painted area with a pressing cloth to protect both the paint and your iron. Then, in most cases, you can lauder as usual.

      How do you clean up fabric paint?

      Cleanup with soap and water just like regular acrylic paint. Piece of cake. But like acrylic paint, remember, fabric paint WILL not come out of your clothing. So, wear a smock!

      The next question I will get asked is:

      Can you turn acrylic paint into fabric paint without fabric medium?

      This is a really good question and I have a possibly controversial answer. Let me start by asking you if you have ever gotten acrylic paint on your clothes and you didn’t notice until it dried? And then have you ever tried to get it out? It’s basically impossible, right?

      If you are painting something where you don’t care if the painted section is nice and soft and flexible, you can absolutely just paint on fabric with straight acrylic craft paint. I would do this for something like a Halloween costume that will probably be worn once and is unlikely to be laundered over and over. A pair of fabric shoes would be perfect as well. This would also work for more artistic uses like adding paint on top of fabric in a collage or mixed media project. Then, go ahead and just use that acrylic paint on your fabric!

      I would not use acrylic paint without fabric medium on anything that you want to gift, keep, wear repeatedly or wash repeatedly. The fabric medium is important to make the item durable and comfortable to wear or touch.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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