
paintingpainting effortless

Effortless winter canvas painting ideas

From looking at the blue paints you used one is a darker blue that may in fact have a little red in it…almost a very dark purple. Only a paint that had some red and blue in it would make the light purple when mixed with white glue. A true only blue paint would only make light blue! Hope that helps!

Why Buffalo Dance : Animal and Wilderness Meditations Through the Seasons

In this elegantly written and illustrated book, bestselling author Susan Chernak McElroy has gathered the voices of the wind, weather, animals, and elements and transcribed the he truths they have to share. Badgers and bison, magpies and moose, eagles and elk, all have wisdom teachings that shed light on our common journey through life.

Стр. vi – . The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. ‎

Стр. vi – I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. ‎


Стр. xiv – I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape — the loneliness of it — the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it — the whole story doesn’t show. ‎

Стр. xx – In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. ‎

Стр. xi – The country knows. If you do wrong things to it, the whole country knows. It feels what’s happening to it. ‎


Об авторе (2010)

A long-term survivor of advanced cancer, McElroy’s enchantment with creatures great and small, and her strong belief in the power of animals and wild nature to heal the human soul, has been nurtured and strengthened through a lifetime of work with animals, as a veterinarian assistant, a zookeeper, Humane Society educator, dog trainer, kennel and stable hand, and wildlife rehabilitator. She speaks and gives workshops frequently and is well-known and well-loved in both animal and alternative healing communities. She lives in the shadow of the Teton Mountains in Idaho, with her animal family and many visiting wild neighbors. Her website is www.susanchernakmcelrory.com

Название Why Buffalo Dance: Animal and Wilderness Meditations Through the Seasons
Автор Susan Chernak McElroy
Издатель New World Library, 2010
ISBN 157731820X, 9781577318200
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 208
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Epsom Salt Paintings for Preschool Winter Theme

Sparkly Winter Process Art for Preschoolers - Process art is more about the process than the product, but this winter process art project for kids gives gorgeous results along with hand strengthening exercises - it

Winter can be a magical time for children.

It can be filled with snowball fights, building snowmen, and making snow angels in the white fluff.

But why not help preschoolers make the most of the cold season by incorporating winter-themed learning activities? From counting snowflakes or observing how ice melts to writing about frosty experiences in the winter, the possibilities are endless!

So get out there and let your preschoolers have some winter fun while also developing important skills!

But don’t forget winter art for preschoolers. All you need for this winter process art is a little glue and salt and paint.

Friendly Yetis Activity Pack

Yetis Activity Pack

Winter Activity Pack for Preschoolers

Winter Activity Pack for Preschoolers

FAQ about Doing Process Art with Preschoolers

What is process art?

By definition, process art emphasizes the act and process of making art over the product produced. It is open-ended, self-motivated and based on experience and experimenting. Characteristics of process art include:

> no specified outcome
> no step-by-step directions
> no sample for children to follow
> work is entirely of the children’s own choice, both in product and whether or not to participate

What is an example of process art?

True process art is simply allowing children a range of materials to use and allowing them to create at their own cares and whims. Ideas for inspiration can be posted, however process art is not about the outcome, but rather the intent of the creator.

Why is process art important for toddlers and preschoolers?

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) touts Process Art as highly developmentally appropriate for the preschool classroom. Some benefit of process art includes:

> nurturing social and emotional health
> reinforcing skills like focus, relaxation, and emotional sharing
> inspiring creativity and problem solving
> builds cognitive skills like comparison, planning, and problem solving
> encourages vocabulary development and verbal expression of language

This winter tree landscape scene is one of our other favorite winter art projects for preschoolers.

Simple Winter Craft for Kids – Epsom Salt Paintings

Ok, aren’t these paintings beautiful? They sparkle! (Because of my “secret” ingredient). And for being wintery process art done by preschoolers, they have a wonderful amount of depth that draws the viewer in. We kinda’ made our own little art gallery when we displayed these winter paintings in preschool.

I am always impressed by how unique each art piece is when the focus is process over product. This is not to say there is no place for crafts in preschool (I have posted about several), but admittedly there is something extra special about process art.

With winter being the theme here, my preschoolers told the most intriguing stories as I asked them to share their paintings with me.

It’s important to understand that even in these seemingly simple paintings, important decisions were made. Important processes were explored. And important experiments were conducted.

Friendly Yetis Activity Pack

Yetis Activity Pack
Arctic Animals Activity Pack for Preschoolers

Materials for Sparkly Winter Process Art Paintings

  • washable tempera paint, paint brushes, and paint palettes
  • thick art paper
  • Epsom salt
  • washable white liquid school glue

The Set Up

Begin by dolling out a few dollops of paint to each child. Because we had been studying all things winter in preschool, my students chose blue and white paint. I invited the students to begin painting, allowing them to mix the white and blue paint as they wanted on their paper.

How to Make these Sparkly Winter Paintings for Preschoolers

This student made “swirls of snowflakes” like we had read about in a few books, which I recommend below. I just love the selection of wintry children’s books available. We read so many and they extended our play and learning by miles!

My preschoolers swirled and spun and twisted their paintbrushes making a blue-gray background, just like the way the sky looks on a snowy day.

Begin by mixing the blue and white paint on the paper, making a swirling background for the snowy sky.

Winter Theme Picture Books We Love

In fact, here are the books we read to support our learning of snow. Let’s just say that in preschool we read a lot of books. I mean, a lot. And the best part is that those books always work their way into activities like this one.

Before the paint has a chance to dry completely, squirt on some white liquid school glue. Squeezing on the glue while the paint is still wet will cause it to react a bit with the paint as it dries, changing the blue paint under the glue to a purple hue.

Sparkly Winter Process Art for Preschoolers - Process art is more about the process than the product, but this winter process art project for kids gives gorgeous results along with hand strengthening exercises - it

The students love this step! Because how often do children have the opportunity to just squeeze out ooey, gooey glue?

Usually, we say rhymes like, “Just a dot, not a lot”, like in this back-to-school worksheet that teaches glue control, but that’s not needed here. We want trails of glue all over the paper!

You want your preschoolers to squeeze hard and use a lot of glue. This is also what we did for our Christmas process art canvases.

And it makes them better writers, too, since squeezing the glue bottles strengthens their hand muscles.

Finally, sprinkle some Epsom salt over the glue.

Sparkly Winter Process Art for Preschoolers - Process art is more about the process than the product, but this winter process art project for kids gives gorgeous results along with hand strengthening exercises - it

winter paintings for preschoolers using epsom salts

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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